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  1. Updated map to Alpha 26. WesternMediterranean_var2.zip
  2. Another update! # Changelog:> MAP: - Adjustments to the northern French coast - Belgium/Germany/Netherlands coastline was adjusted to look more realistic - More flora and fauna in Germania region - More treasures in Germania region WesternMediterranean_var2.zip
  3. I have made a new version of the map. (Considering suggestions by @Palaxin) This version will not rewrite the previous version and will be separate in map selection screen. # Changelog: > MAP: - New player added in the area of present-day Czech Republic, instead of Gaia CC and units - Texture adjustments - More land in Brittania and Venice areas - Strait of Gibraltar is now passable for big ships - More flora and fauna, Germanic forests became more dangerous to explore. - Treasures added in some places - Other minor changes > PLAYERS: - Romans received a plenty of treasures near their CC to improve their starting position - Gauls also got a buff in the form of food bins and wood planks WesternMediterranean_var2.zip
  4. I am interested, but I used the content of @Palaxin, so I think if he also agrees then it can be added.
  5. If anyone is still interested in this, I have made a playable map(as a skirmish map though) for Alpha 25 using demo map and information from a sketch by @Palaxin WesternMediterranean.zip
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