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Posts posted by runboston

  1. Saddam here wasn't more stupid then Bush. Saddam invoking Allah in Irak is like Bush invoking God in the U.S., why would Saddam doing it being worse? Just because he's a dictator, being a dictator forbids the use of the word God (Allah, in arabic)?

    because bush never said "kill all iraqis"...he said "remove saddam's regime."

    saddam never said "remove the bush administration"...they wanted america gone.

  2. Bush-tax breaks for the rich(that means if your mom or dad or you dont make more them 200,000 a year u dont get it

    you're very wrong on this one...you're parents did get tax cuts, no matter how much they made, they just got less money than the rich. this is because the rich pay more to the government.


    why does mininum wage need to be raised? many people in our country who are jobless could be working at a minimum wage job and atleast be brining in some income, not complaining that it is bushes fault they have no job/money.

    $500M -> Belgium a very small nation with 10 million citizens spends twice as much...

    Belgium isn't fighting a war right now which means they aren't spending millinions of dollars trying to free a nation from a dictator.

    Iraq in no way was a terrorist threat

    so, let's say you had 10 people trying to kill you, and currently they didnt have any weapons or anything but some guy was giving them money, guns, and training... is that guy a threat to you? or is it not important enough to attack the supplier/trainer of the terrorists?

    alright, i'm done ranting

  3. @ curufinwe

    i have looked on many different websites about this topic and all of them seem to say the same thing, people between the ages of 15 and 40 are the most common ones to get testicular cancer. none of these websites has shown anything to do with performance enhancing drugs increasing the risks of this cancer. if you could find me a valid site showing the research you brought up about drugs i would really appreciate it.

    lance armstrong has been tested thousands of times by many different organizations in the past and has never tested positive for a performance enhancing drug other than right after chemotherapy when he still had some of the drugs they used to save him in his body.

    i think the reason no one bought the livestrong wristband at the tour in your neighborhood is becuase the french (sorry for the generalization) don't like lance armstrong.

    the lance armstrong foundation is a very serious organization that is dedicated to fighting cancer. i think they do the best job of any organization of raising awareness for their cause.

    i may not agree with what he has done in his personal life and i dont really know how good of a person he is but lance armstrong, in my opinion, is the greatest cyclist to ever live and fully deserved to win the tour de france six times in a row.

  4. i recently bought a liveSTRONG wristand with some of my friends becuase we are cross country runners, support cancer research, think lance armstrong is great, and i personally know about 5 people who have had to suffer with cancer.

    but what about the rest of the people wearing them? it's starting to become "popular" in my school and i dont think this is right. someone asked a girl why she had one and she said "idk, everyone else has one so why not me?"

    what do you guys think? :D

  5. alright, sorry.

    ok so back in the 60/70's the beatles stopped singing love songs and started some more "creative?" work. this is the same period when the drug references started coming up in their songs. but anyways, it was rumored that paul had died in a car crash and lost his hair/cracked his head open. supposedly, john only wanted his most loyal fans to know so he hid stuff in their songs.

    here is a link explaining what went on..

    paul is dead clues

  6. during the first civil war in america, there were to sides with totally opposite views living on seperate sides of the country.

    now, most people are moderate and those that do have opposite political views are living side by side each other.

    how can you organize your forces if the enemy is living next door?

  7. i've used streets and trips and it works very well. it allows you to type in the address of where you are and the one you are going to and it tells you directions. it also has the plain features of just maps of roads and stuff. i highly recomend it. :lol:

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