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Everything posted by hamdich

  1. I report this because he used to mane as a ddoser while the real ddoser is him , the game he talked about i was host and i got ddosed too , hopefully there was a spec and he can say what he witnessed. this guy Jc is allways so rude to everyone and he keeps insulting players and especially the girls , alos i have prouf for that . this girl can prouve that , she is scared to report him because she is new ,and she was afraid after hearing that he maight be the ddoser . pls do something to this guy , im pretty sure not the only one who wants to report him and his rude acts. Thank you.
  2. During a 1v1 game with borg , his CC ( and all his ungarrsioned buildings ) starting to become Gaia after i captured a stable touching his cc . This is the first time i see this . I think he used the "snap to edge" feature to build alligned buildings. I destroyed stable on purpose to see if the glitch ends and it did bring back all buildings to borg- again. Was funny but made borg- mad . Watch replay . replay.rar
  3. yeah could be server is restarting . better wait come back later XD
  4. i suggest as name for A25 , Ya Allah or as for one word : Y'Allah as it is the original and allways existing one and only God in arabic language and in arabic culture
  5. Lately, some players including me were thinking about playing APLHA 23 TGs again as we used to. we decided to make it public event this Sunday around 17h to 21H UTC. To do that you need to join alpha 23 lobby , as for me i reinstall the older version . if you have any A24 mods installed such as "balanced_maps" and "autociv " then you need to disable them because they don't work in A23 , but if you want using them during this event you will need to delete the mods from 0ad/mods forlder then download the A23 version of the mods in settings. Everyone is wellcomed to join us .
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