Hello All,
I got a lot to say but on a general basis and after playing a lot of onlines games on the current version :
> ranged units and siege rams are too strong, it's not realistic (on a history point of view) to see celts winning the game with only slingers and battle rams, what I would suggest to correct this would be :
1. Lowering the attack dammages of slingers and allowing only a limited number of attacks (spears) for the skirmishers before a countdown that allow them to reload their stack of javelins, on the meantime the skirmisher would act as a spearman (with low armor). A level 1 skrimisher would have for example only 6 javelin to throw.
2. Battler rams and all other siege units in general should be packed with citizen soldiers units in order to be used, for example a battle ram speed could depend on the number of units inside and the units that handle the balistas or catapultes should be vulnerable of ranged attacks. If they got killed the siege engine become Gaia until some else is using it.
3. .. to compensate this I would give to the celts factions a citizen soldier with sword (which would be histroricaly accurate as gauls where well knows smiths) and also a citizen soldier with hammer or haxe that perform crush units and could be used to destrow buildings.
4. Spear cavaliers should have a special charge attack that could crashed low armored units such as ranged units. Currently they are not strong enough against archers, skirmishers and slingers, that's not realistic.
It's just a start but I thing that with these littles changes the game could become even more attractive and we would see much more historically accurate battles.