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Everything posted by Graham1

  1. You've got to be kidding . I'm a very basic user . Tbh, it's not really a big issue for me but just thought I would mention. Just a couple of clicks of the Windows keys resolved this issue.
  2. Yes. The window size changes each time but usually takes up most of the screen.
  3. For me, it's simply the best game I have ever played (with Dungeon Siege a close second). Being a huge fan of AOE2, this blew me away. Tbh, I was a little disappointed with AOE3, so this filled the gap nicely. Great graphics, gameplay and all for free plus on Linux. Have been playing 0AD for a while now. Huge thank you to Wildfiregames, devs and all those involved with 0AD. Probably the best open source game on Linux.
  4. It's difficult to take a screenshot with Gnome's new screenshot app as it looses focus when run but I've managed to take a short video showing the issue. As you see, you can't get to the menu on the left until you zoom out then the whole screen is accessible. 0AD.webm
  5. I have added the above to user.cfg under Home/.config/0ad/config. Is that correct? Unfortunately, this didn't make any difference. My screen is using 1680x1050 resolution with scaling set to 100%. Edit: Also, pressing the windows logo key twice allows the cursur to travel the full height/width of the screen.
  6. I've started using 0 A.D. on Fedora and noticed that every time 0 A.D. is loaded, the cursor is only available within a window (3 quarters up/across from the bottom right of the screen). A workaround is to press Alt+Tab which then makes the whole screen accessible. This issue appears on the rpm package. I have also installed Nvidia drivers (5.10).
  7. I second this but the AI rarely help when you are advancing (even when you ask for their assistance). They are too busy getting an army ready and by the time they do, my party of rogues are wiped out. You usually have to wait for them to advance first and then join them.
  8. Would it be possible to request help from an AI? I tend to play a lot of 4 x 4 type games. Myself and 3 allies vs 4 enemy and it would be useful to be able to instruct them for assistance. Say if defending a certain area of the map or help destroying an area. Maybe by using preset instructions (attack/defend) and then use the visual alert to highlight the area. You could even add a price for this assistance.
  9. I'll give it a try. At least with Timeshift I will be able to revert back to the default install should anything go wrong when installing the drivers. I have tested within Boxes (restoring), so this should be a good test but I'm hoping everything will just work. We'll see tomorrow.
  10. Regarding the videos, that looks good. You could have a new unit (for each civ) that is a bit like a market trader but with a cage rather than a cart being pulled by a horse. When the unit (gaia) is within the traders auro (I think that's what it is called), they are automatically put inside the cage. You could make this one per civ. It would be cool to have the animation of the person grabbing hold of the captured person and putting them inside the cage.
  11. Sorry, I probably didn't explain myself well. I don't have a problem with rams not being captured. In fact, I think this makes the game play better. However, the rams probably would have had people operating them, so if you remove them it's possible to capture. Was your answer regarding the results, in response to rams or people being captured?
  12. In addition to my original post, may be a more realist way of implementing this would be to treat people like buildings. Once a town centre has been lost and a castle (if within this boundary) of the town centre, all units turn to gaia (unless they flee outside this boundary). Then the conquerer (maybe a hero or champion) only has to touch them to be converted to your side. This would take away the processing of each individual unit.
  13. Fair enough. I'm sure this had probably been asked a thousand times before. Was the issue with implementing this or it just affected the gameplay too much?
  14. I've no idea how doable this is but I'll throw out the idea anyway. Like with how rams used to be captured by military, the same could be applied to people. The higher the rank, the quicker the conversion. I suppose you could do a reversal of a persons power up (status bar). Once the enemy has been captured (status bar drained), you could then lead them back to your base. once inside your base, they are converted to your side. Until then, they are neautral (gaia).
  15. I guess you could call this kind of cheating but getting players up on cliffs via towers or castles. Many a time I have built my base in areas I know the enemy can't reach . Also, when starting to build a wall to cut off an area (say in Harbour), if the enemy is advancing and you are outnumbered, just start by building each part of the wall (one or two hits) and then walk away from the wall. The enemy does the same rather than easily knocking that part of the wall down. Advancing rams seem to come in two's. Can't say I've noticed this with elephants though.
  16. I don't think I've read a post like this in the forums before but just thought I would mention strange things I have noticed in 0 A.D. or odd behaviour of the AI. I don't want this post to be about anything negative about 0 A.D. but things that have made you chuckle whilst playing. Looking forward to other players comments.
  17. I think it would be useful to have an audio/visual alert for advancing rams/elephants. These types of units seem to do the most damage and it would be useful to be told in advance. Many a time I have been concentrating on one area of the map only to find these units running amok the other side and wiping out my base or castles . Having the ability to toggle on/off these alerts to suit your setup would be useful.
  18. Having run Ubuntu for quite some time now, I tend to run Boxes (kvm) with daily builds of Ubuntu and Fedora and watch them develop from first daily release through to final. I've never found disk management in Ubuntu an issue but Fedora has always seemed a bit awkward to me. You are right though, the installation is the worrying part as a fear I may mess up the Windows side of things (even though I hardly use Windows now). Haven't used openSUSE in ages. In fact, openSUSE was one of the first distro's I used in the Linux world. Switched to Ubuntu after and although tried other distro's, always came back to Ubuntu (everything just seemed to work for me). Linux Mint (xfce) is another distro I tend to use (mainly on older hardware). Never really got into Arch-based distro's like Manjaro or EndeavourOS. Just fancied a change from Ubuntu as it doesn't seem to be the distro it used to be (with pushing new stuff) and I've always liked Fedora in that it tends to have the latest stuff (gnome, kernel, packages, etc) and a limited set of installed apps. Pop!OS is another contender. For me, being able to run 0 A.D., RetroArch and Mame are the main reasons and Timeshift is a must (on btrfs). You've now got me thinking about Fedora again . Should I get the video drivers installed and working on Fedora, is that it for any further configuration regarding any future kernel updates?
  19. Hi Sevda. Thanks for the link . Given that the Nvidia drivers "could" cause an issue and the work involved to get them working (compared to Ubuntu), I may stick with Ubuntu this time. Also, having 3 disks to deal with (Windows (ssd) inc. efi, Ubuntu (ssd) and Data (hdd), I've heard things could be problematic there too. Shame, as Fedora is a nice distro and as you say, has the latest packages, kernel, etc.
  20. I'm thinking of switching from Ubuntu 20.04 to Fedora 36 next week. Just wanted to check whether I may come across any issues with Fedora. I'm using an NVidia card, which seems to be problematic with Fedora. How well does 0 A.D. run using the default (non-proprietary) driver? My system is an i5 7g with 16GB ram and ran fine with 20.04. Anything else to be aware of?
  21. Take care and thanks for all your support with 0 A.D. Enjoy your well earned break.
  22. Thanks for the suggestion Stan. I'll take a look at that.
  23. Thanks for both your replies azayrahmad and Loki1950. Shame they are both using the same config path, etc. Was hoping this may be separate, being a snap. Using a VM is a good idea but not sure how playable this would be within Boxes (for testing). I'll stick with my current setup. @Ticketos, I like to multitask but I can see where you are coming from.
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