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Posts posted by Jofursloft

  1. 15 hours ago, Imperator Ferrum Princeps I said:

    Maybe have an AI take over when a player leaves and let him re-establish control when he logs back in.

    This wouldn't be great: current Al just suicides against garrisoned buildings, has a terrible attack strategy and manages eco really bad. A player can easily destroy the Al with just 20 cavarly men, destroying eco. For me Very difficult Al has is around the same level of a 1200-1300 player

  2. 9 hours ago, Phalanx said:

    units could be put in a "hold ground" stance where they attack anything in their combat range, but cannot move

    This would mean suicide a lot of infantry men against a mass of ranged units. Are you sure this should work?

  3. 8 hours ago, Altrine said:

    the Disadvantage of catapult is that it can be captured

    In high level games players are not used to capture catapults because you firstly risk to lose many men under they attack, and secondly they need a lot of time to be captured, so it's better to destroy them.

    In general catapults are good cause you can deal a great damage to the enemy army, but are difficult to protect, and lose only one causes you a lot of resources wasted. Rams are more dynamic and fast to attack/run away from buildings. They also have a great life (obv not against sword)

    • Like 1
  4. How to boom with Britons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWX8tzh2FKM

    How to boom with Gauls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3ab_Si0UHQ

    1 hour ago, Altrine said:

    But playing more than 40 minutes game with Gauls might lose you the game as their building HP are also low and hack armour are also low. 

    The strenght of celtic civs is absolutely not in the defense. If you are doing a turtle game you will probably lose. Their strenght is in their army: they are aggressive civilizations, not defense one

    • Thanks 1
  5. 13 hours ago, chrstgtr said:

     2-If a player did an early rush of you with men then you did not have enough men to counter. If someone did an early rush on you with cav you could not counter. If a player did a cav harass on all your berries (which alekesu did not have) you would've lost all food production and many women (and therefore the game).

    And you think Alekusu could counter a cav rush? He would have lost his units at wood

    13 hours ago, chrstgtr said:

     4-No thanks, Alekesu already made one.

    He has no men to counter a rush at beginning

    13 hours ago, chrstgtr said:

     5-This is factually untrue. I've also never heard of a deadline for a rush. 

    Minute 4: a good player can rush you with 10-15 cavs. Minute 5: they can be 15-20 cavs. Minute 6-7-8-etc the player will do more units (cavs or not), so with deadline for a rush I mean that if you are lucky not to be rushed at minute 4 having no men (as you can see in Alekusu video), you can be killed later with even more units to counter

    13 hours ago, chrstgtr said:

     6-I never knew all rushes come with 15 cav at minute 4.

    I used 15 cavs to suppose the easiest attack to counter: you prefer 30-40 men minute 6?

    13 hours ago, chrstgtr said:

    and it is at worst arguably a better boom to defend rushes with

    Already said he can't counter a rush


    To conclude, I make you notice he makes the first men at minute 5  and we are talking about 2 different civilizations, britons and gauls (with britons is easier to counter a rush). Do you prefer a video with britons and no berries? Here you have, man


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  6. What a pity! I really have to point out some things:

    1. I was playing in a normal map, like in that video, and there is somethin glike 5% probability a player rushes you in that map size
    2. If the player rushed me, anyway, I had 8 men to counter it (enough for 8-10 cavs)
    3. "I decide to upload here this video to help noob/low/medium level players to obtain a very good population boom in a short time" As you can clearly read my purpose was to create a video to show how to obtain 300 pop in a really short time, not to give a strat for a 1v1
    4. If you like I have no problems to make a video in which I reach comfortably 300 pop in 15 minutes with britons and 10-20 men at beginning to counter a rush
    5. I make you notice that the guy in that video starts obtain the first men at minute five, that is the deadline minute for a rush, while I obtain mine at minute 3
    6. What rush can you counter than with 10 men at minute 5 when a usual 15 cav rush comes at minute 4? 
  7. 1 hour ago, chrstgtr said:

    Here is a more realistic build order with an explanation of how to do it (I know this number can be improved because I did it once in about 14:30 with a similar build order, so tweak the build order around to maximize your build). There is also thread out there with how quick you can reach max pop too, but I think most people cheated and did it with all women (not that it would've made a difference after like 100 pop). 

    More realistic build order?

    1. You reach P3 minute 16:30
    2. You have 12 fields that is an esageration
    3. With 10 barracks you will finish your resources in 1 minute
    4. He didn't get armor and fight upgrades
    5. That is Alpha21

    Please explain me @chrstgtr what is more realistic in this video (and also more effective) respect to my one.

  8. 12 hours ago, Leofreitas said:

    I soon began thinking that he had paused the game only to mantain this ratio, making other players quit so he could win. I was the host, and started searching online on methods to kick/ban him. 

    Your win ratio and consequent rating changes only in a 1v1 rated game, not for a team game, even if rated. So maybe he is only a great @#&#&%$, not a quitter to ban from lobby (I understand anyway if you banned him from game, you did well ;)

  9. 8 hours ago, thankforpie said:

    on your kushites video you make your first army units at 7:30 - isnt that too late ?

    It is absolutely too late. In fact, I specified that you CAN'T obtain 300 population in 15 minutes (without extra berries, treasures or hunt) making soldiers to counter a rush: that's completely impossible. I made that video just for fun, maybe it's useful for a team game, but surely that strat is a complete suicide in a 1v1 match

  10. 2 hours ago, thankforpie said:

     Same about other units. Im really curious to see how my units perform so I can tell if they are good investment or not. For example I would know if its worth to put iron in mercenary swordsmen or if horses with spears do anything at all, lol

    Swordmen are a good investment, but, in my opinion, just to garanteer a good counter against siege weapons. This why they are usually quite weak in the frontal fight (except skiritai that are already level 3). Spears cavs are good in the early game for a good rush, but useless in a frontal fight (because they die very fast against spears and slingers). You can use them in late game to run in circle near the enemy army to make him lose shoots, or to kill women on fields.

  11. 3 minutes ago, macemen said:

     So what is the reason Ptolemies are also almost this good, but the Seleucids who have a very similar unit selection are not even mentioned in the same "league"?

    Seleucs are really far to be in the "league". This for multiple reasons:

    1. Seleucs have 150 wood houses, and that slows you a bit in the early game, and also makes you weaker to rush (you use wood to build houses and not men without slowing down your eco a lot)
    2. Seleucs have only skirmishers as ranged infantry unit
    3. Seleucs have worse heroes
    4. Seleucs have P1 buildings costs
    5. The cost of the skirmishers is different (ptolemies allows you to make less fields)
    18 minutes ago, macemen said:

     What boost?

    Sorry, I decided to change the phrase after, and I forgot to delete the point 5

  12. 6 hours ago, macemen said:

    I wanted to ask this for some time, and this looks like a good place to ask it. Why are the Celtic civilizations considered to be the best? It seems like (after watching some of the videos posted on this forum, I don't play MP myself) that in 90% of the matches one of the parties is either Briton or Gaul, but often both. Sometimes you also see Ptolemies but other Civs are truly rare to be seen.

    So why are the Celts considered superior for competitive play? Is it the spear + slinger + skirmisher combo that is so effective? (The Ptolemies also have this combo, maybe that is why they are also considered good).  Are slingers really the key to victory? According to my limited historic knowledge, slingers are supposed to be cheap auxiliary troops, not a battle deciding factor.

     AFAIK the Successors have a much more diverse army, both the Seleucids and the Ptolemies have almost every unit kind available. But I have not seen even a single match with Seleucids played.

    Celts are without any doubt the best civilizations in 0ad (with ptolemies). Why? Here are the answers:

    1. Every building gives a population limit boost (very useful in P1)
    2. Buildings are really fast to build 
    3. Houses cost 75 wood 
    4. They can train slingers and they don't need stone for other building that is not fort: this allows you to have more stone during the game (mace and ptolemies for example have stone cost for barracks)
    5. They have a boost 
    6. Better gather rate for food
    7. Good heroes
    8. Rams, that are better than catapults for a 1v1 game
    9. Most buildings cost wood

    Slingers are a very good unit, but celts are not op only because they have slingers

  13. I decide to upload here this video to help noob/low/medium level players to obtain a very good population boom in a short time. Here you have a gaul boom with:

    1. 300 population in 14 minutes
    2. Will to fight at minute 15:30
    3. All main militar upgrades within minute 15:30 (all armor upgrades, all ranged fight upgrades)
    4. Wonder (without upgrade unluckely)
    5. All main economy upgrades (all wood upgrades, all field upgrades, berry upgrade, 2° stone and metal upgrade)
    6. 4 Barracks total (maybe in late game you can make more)
    7. No team bonuses, as you can see in the screenshot     


    I decided not to train more than 57 women and make some men at beginning to counter a possible small rush.

    At the end my army composition is 30 spearmen + 62 skirmishers + 62 slingers + 4 rams

    I'm sorry for the upload inconvenience, but I didn't notice my microphone was on so I had to delete some embarassing voices xd

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  14. @Altrine There are many big differences:

    1. As Thankforpie said the heroes are different, cause Gauls have a very good hero for the fight (+25% damage for soldiers) and a good one for eco (+15 metal every enemy unit killed). On the other hand, britons too have two hero for the fight: Cunobellio (+0.8 life points every second for nearby units) and Caratacos (+15% speed and +1 armor for soldiers and engines). I personally think that Gauls heroes are better
    2. gauls have skirmishers instead of slingers at beginning, that are faster in moving. This causes less time to go to bring the wood to the storehouse.
    3. gauls have naked fanatics (very fast unit good for rush in early game trainable in P2), while Britons have war dogs (good to kill the alone enemy women, but weak in the frontal fight against the men)
    4. Britons have the Crannog, that is very useful in naval maps, while gauls not
    5. All eco and about all fight upgrades are the same for EVERY civilization in 0ad

    You made a mistake: Gauls are better for the late game, because they are faster in booming and they have better heroes. Britons, instead, are better in early game, for a rush for example (I said they are op in late game respect to other civilizations)

    • Thanks 1
  15. Hi Amadeus, I would like to share my opinion about the strategy you propose:

    22 hours ago, amadeus said:

    - one huge disadvantage = poorer units, if you build your army and do not immediately attack, your opponent will be able to build his own full army and will defeat you as he has better units

    I don't agree at all with this: britons have one of the strongest army composition in game: mass pikes + slingers + rams

    22 hours ago, amadeus said:

    1 - put your cc  to train 6 women and set rally point to berries

    Set rally point to wood it's much better, then you train 3 women to go on berries (total is 7 women on berries and 6 on wood)

    22 hours ago, amadeus said:

    5 - use your dog to find an enemy woman ans harras him. Try to kill one woman, sacrifice your dog without regrets

    Mistake: the dog is a very important unit. You can use him to scout much the enemy base and also to slow enemy economy. If you keep going/run away from enemy berries you produce a bigger damage in economy for the player (1 women is practically nothing)

    22 hours ago, amadeus said:

     6 - build a tower near your berries, you need to defend against enemy harrass

    This will make you waste wood for an unuseful building: 1) berries are already in cc range, so you don't need to protect them so much (the women take a little time to run away) 2) a tower deals not much damage if not garrisoned, and remember that the men are taking wood, not berries

    22 hours ago, amadeus said:

    - have 9 full farms, meaning 45 women

    I would say that 9 fields are too many for your strategy game: they are good if you project a long game with more than 400/500 unit for player lost. If you want a quite early game don't make more than 8 fields (if upgraded they can be more than enough for all your game)

    22 hours ago, amadeus said:

     - have at least 3 barracks

    3-4 barracks are useful for a long game. If you want this type of strategy use just 1-2 barracks or you will finish your resources too fast

    22 hours ago, amadeus said:

    you leave 10 soldiers to collect wood

    I would leave at least 20 to mantain a good wood economy

    22 hours ago, amadeus said:

    he will only have 110 population, out of which half are women, effectively you outnumber his soldiers 2 to 1 (or maybe just 3 to 2)

    This is your project: if you are talking about the third part of the game (14-15 mins) calculate that a good player can have something like 250 pop + fort, and he can counter you very very easily

    22 hours ago, amadeus said:

    if it gets into an attrition war, you have lost

    Maybe the attrition war is what will make you win with a strong civilization like britons xd

    22 hours ago, amadeus said:

    - slingers do the most damage per second

    Slinger attack: 9.5 every 1 second. Skirmisher attack: 16 every 1.25 seconds 

    22 hours ago, amadeus said:

     - in the heat of combat, moving instead of doing damage is wasteful

    If you don't consider dancing, that is very useful

    22 hours ago, amadeus said:

     - never fight combats where your opponent has the same amount of army as you. Always attack only when you outnumber him. Retreat when he has the same or more.

    Never fight combats where your opponent has more upgrades than you. The number of soldiers is not what makes you win (a player can win a 2v1 even with dancing


    Also, you forgot the most important thing to say: fight and do economy with upgrades. If you have upgrades and the enemy not you can win a fight with really less soldiers than the enemy



    If you like to attack in the early game to win, I wouldn't advise you to attack around minute 14-15, cause the enemy can have P3 full pop. Maybe try to use a strategy (that I usually copy from borg- xd) for a 8-9 minute heavy attack with britons. This because there are many ways to counter your strategy

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