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WFG Retired
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Posts posted by Paal_101

  1. I started using Blender, which is free and realtively simple. Unfortunately it uses some restrictive file types, such as .blend (prog file type) or .dxf, which is the only exportable file type. In addition UV mapping is a COMPLETE mystery to me in that prog, but as a beginner's modelling prog it is hard to beat, being very easy to use on the basic modelling level. Check out the webpage:


  2. What's your favorite B-movie? Mine's Mortal Kombat, probably one of the best martial arts movies made in modern times. Sure the story is cheezy and kinda silly, but the acting isn't half-bad for such a lousy story (especially the guy who does Shang Tsung :) he is amazing in that role!). But what do we all watch movies for? FIGHTS!!!! And there are some really good ones! Liu Kang stick fight, Johnny Cage vs Scorpion ( :znaika: ), Reptile vs Liu Kang, Shang Tsung vs. Liu Kang!! Dude they all rock. Plus the soundtrack simply rocks *needs excuse to use smiley* :drunk:

    If you haven't seen it check it out! As a martial artist I can tell you that 90% of the fights are without wire work and most of the actors do their own fights. Robin Shou is no question amazing, while Lydon Ashbey does awesome, so does Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa (he developed his own martial art, seems to be it in the movie that he uses, its very distinctive :)), while Bridgette Wilson just stinks at fighting :banned: LOL Anyone in my karate class could throw her across the room. Plus many of the Outworld bad guys are high ranking martial artists (one guy is a high ranking black belt in karate, judo, jiu-jitsu, and ninjitsu *grabs shotgun*) :balrog:

    That's my fave, what's yours?

  3. For sure, I remember reading somewhere that during the seige of Jerusalem Titus had the people who were using tunnels to sneak in and out of the city crucified. Says in this book that his mercenaries crucified 500 a day until they ran out of wood to make crosses! That is completely UNIMAGINABLE :)

    Anyway, oops :)

    Speaking as a devout Christian, I think Jesus could be a cool unit to put in....maybe he could lure your troops to walk off the maps or something :) But is unkillable :(

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