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Everything posted by Alexandra

  1. It just so happens that I visit the telegram channel that I administer more often.
  2. Please note that in this modification, the winter trees are more powerful and taller. And I also like these beautiful objects.
  3. Is the single player mode not even planned in this modification?
  4. This is a very interesting and intriguing mod, I couldn't pass it by. I wish I could play with Petra. Or will such an opportunity still be provided?
  5. I'm starting to worry about newbies who won't be able to solve this captcha and will rush around the forum in a panic, not knowing where to turn for help))
  6. The thing is, I did it on purpose. I wanted to see "what would happen if...". It turned out that there would be a mistake in the end. How interesting. Now I know I shouldn't do that.
  7. Oh, how great it is! I'm going to edit this map. Now I will know that the main thing is not to put anything extra at stake?
  8. I also noticed this phenomenon. Even if the shadows are completely disabled in the game settings, it is impossible to work with objects in the editor without them. Why is this so? По карте: First, I removed all the objects and trees from the map, then opened the map in the editor and raised the water level. Then I will put all the items in their places again in a new way.
  9. Сейчас закрою все окна и попробую ещё раз. I'm going to close all the windows, kick everyone out of the house and try to open the map again.
  10. I'm already afraid to use this map! Can I just forget about her?)) Ubuntu offers a selection of the desired item in the menu when right-clicking. At least in my case.
  11. Хм... Я открываю такие же карты и при достаточно средних настройках, и ноут не вылетает В общем, эта карта кажется мне подозрительной. Something I do not like this card, something is wrong with it. After all, the laptop does not hang, opening the same heavy cards. For example, as in the screenshot.
  12. Несомненно, они окажутся кому-то полезны Но увы! Карта оказалась очень тяжёлая, при открытии в редакторе у меня завис ноут)) Это странно, но старые карты почему-то всегда "тяжелее", чем новые, сделанные в новом редакторе. Не знаю, с чем это связано! The map was very heavy; when working with it in the editor, the laptop freezes!
  13. At the moment I am finishing two more maps. Okay, now I know where to put them Okay, I'll try to figure it out!
  14. oh, I want, I want! Please do! I like this card, it was a pity to lose it(
  15. I can't open the map in the new version of the game. What can I do, how can I fix it? This is a map with the possibility of naval battles. The map is called "Atlantis": https://github.com/forroll/serif0ad/tree/master/maps/skirmishes
  16. In this case, it is worth mentioning the oldest channel https://vk.com/0ad_game, the oldest topic on the Ubuntu forum https://forum.ubuntu.ru/index.php?topic=166770.0, and the Telegram channel https://t.me/My0AD
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