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Gussebb last won the day on March 7 2015

Gussebb had the most liked content!

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    Art, History, 3D, Programming, Sound-design, Music, Statistics, Chess, Gaming.

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  1. i remember this, but i forgot the solution . looks like theres something wrong with the size of the bones, maybe its connected to the wrong animation file?
  2. Wow that's beautiful! well done! - The ears, eyes, and mouth is really black though :/
  3. the only blend file i have is in the zip folder as well. i didn't think about having a blend file for every animation. :/
  4. Ok i see. Thanks for the criticism i'm still a beginner so criticism like this helps me improve alot. But i don't know how much i wanna redo i have already spend so many hours on this rhinoceros. :/
  5. I like your model better and i wish i could easily just switch the model out, but it's not so easy for me. the uv map already set for the model so i will have to redo the texturing i think, and i'm not sure if you can just switch out models once imported to the game. and i'm not sure if your model has to many polygons, i tried to keep mine very low (probably too low). but all the files is in the zip so you can try out yourself if you want
  6. Blender file of the model so far: onager.zip
  7. was thinknig something like this https://www.google.dk/search?q=catapult&biw=1920&bih=979&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=OKr8VOn_CubjywPN5YLgBg&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&dpr=1#imgdii=_&imgrc=UnJLvWrOi5H5kM%253A%3BD0-HCN-861a9rM%3Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fzombiesymmetry.files.wordpress.com%252F2014%252F08%252Fcatapult.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fzombiesymmetry.com%252F2014%252F08%252F08%252Fback-in-the-day-my-highly-lethal-latin-class-projects%252F%3B600%3B600 more like in age of empire
  8. I'm in the mood for trying to model, texture, animate, a catapult. But before i start, i just wanna hear if it might be used in the mod? and if so, do you know which models were used in the time frame? and if you have any suggestions before starting
  9. looks really good, - would be so cool if hyenas and crows ate the dead animals you have hunted, so that dead animals had some kind of decay, once killed
  10. movement better synced, blender file in folder, rhino sound in folder. rhino.zip
  11. much much better, really like it
  12. I think its really good. if should say anything it might be the texture thing at the front legs, and maybe the legs look a bit long?
  13. My first animated blender model hope you can use it. (all files in the zip folder 100% free to use) rhinoceros.zip
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