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Everything posted by PrincepsRomanorum

  1. I belive greeks say "Pros polemon" when you order an attack, what means "To war" or more precisely "Toward war". Well, maybe it could be more precise with they actually do when you order attack if they say "pros makhen" (toward battle) but i like the answer of greeks to my orders. I'm a spanish speaker that studied some classics and i recognized without problem the supposed english accent of the greek expressions. It's hard to speak with the polytonic accent of classic greek speakers, but the voices sound correct although perhaps they not be perfect. I have no greek dictionnary near, but i have translated classic greeks texts and prima facie akatakos markastei says me nothing. I would not recognize these expression directly if i hear it in game.
  2. A few ideas: Alpha XVIII Rorarii The rorarii, a pre-marian part of the roman army. Alpha XVIII Rhea A mythologic titan. Alpha XVIII Rerum Novarum "About the new things" it's a name of a pope's enciclic. Alpha XVIII Rumor Rumor means noise in latin. Alpha XVIII Ritus Ritus means "ritual" in latin. Alpha XVIII Remi Remi are a gallic people in Belgica. Alpha XVIII Regni Regni are a celt people in Britannia.
  3. I don't know why polybolos actually have less rate of fire than oxybeles and have less attack too, if it's descripted as a good fire rate weaker bolt shooter.
  4. I mean lithobolos and ballista are underpowered, but oxybeles and mainly scorpion are seriously overpowered. Scorpion have a excellent attack and range, better than ballista against buildings, and of course it has against infantry ans cavalry. It makes ballista a no used unit because its function is better asumed by scorpion. I mean scorpion must have less range (90 m) and less attack against buildings, being a infrantry sniper, but with less rate of fire, because it's actually a machine gun: five scorpions can destroy a whole army. Ballista and lithobolos must have 50% more of attack against buildings and about 100m range, but being no usable against infantry, with a poor attack against it.
  5. I think roman scorpion is overpowered. It has too much attack and range. It looks a World War I machine gun.
  6. Correct. Sword cavalry, and particularly champion sword cavalry is strong against buildings. If you don't belive it, try to set 15 "eques consularis" against a fortress other a civic center. The same happens with sword infantry, they are strong against buildings too.
  7. I apologize if i have duplicated the topic, but i have searched and i have found nothing about this. I tried to use the ramm attack of the trirremis/trieres, but i couldn't do it. Is this already implemented, or this characteristic is not yet in Alpha 17 Quercus? Thanks for your atention.
  8. Greek word "barbaros" mean person who speaks saying "bar bar bar", in other words, person who speaks a not understandable language. At the first, romans are barbarian to the greeks too.
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