You refer to Star Craft 2 as just 'Star Craft' when in fact Brood War and it's successor are two completely different games with different ever-evolving communities. In Brood War's community the idea of what hard counters should be I feel is more understood and well known. It is about being able to adapt to your opponent's strategy. "Oh they built a good amount of zerglings, let me go make some Vultures". Yet if you leave the Vultures to fend for themselves then they will die. That's why you need micro of your Vultures to hard counter the Zerglings. One decision I find to be very controversial for me personally is the decision to add in an ai that micros your skirmishers for you in battles. Tank goodness I still need to constantly look to see whether that barracks I'm harassing just produced soldiers to attack them or else risk losing a couple guys before I see that my units pretty much ignored this fact. In fact, Skirm Cav now completely counter Spearmen because of this auto-micro. I spent a game yesterday just watching auto-micro of ~20-50(made more over time) completely destroy army of spearmen after army of spearmen. The truth is that we just need something like for Spearmen to run-charge at those on horseback to counter them. Otherwise they are just way too slow. Just my 2 cents.