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FueledByOCHD last won the day on May 7 2014

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  1. So I wanted to give a few Progress Notes so far I started to move the mods over and started to update them There will be a slight reorganization of my mods Fueled Advanced Resources Buildable Decorations In addtion I'll work to update the main post, Although it will be some time. I just officially registered my company. Ancient Majik Technologies LLC(AMT). I apologize ahead of time for the delay, My priority will be focused on building my companies Project Manager before I'm ready to do much else, along with everything else needed to get the company up and running.
  2. Alright so my former mods of Blood Resource and Water Resource are being compressed down into one mod Fueled Advanced Resources. which will provide some basic resources which will be used by another mod which will move rebalance the units to use the new resources with the plan of extending out the tech trees. although first I have to narrow down a bug. which I believe is due missing gathering icon images.
  3. Thank you. Although to be fair I have to point out that it was due to me having public.zip open in 7zip due to trying to get my works up and running again
  4. NVM I figured out my own issue. not got things moving along
  5. Well @Lion.Kanzen Thank you for the announcement. @Stan` Thank you for the name change
  6. Awsome, Thank you very much for the name change
  7. @Stan` I now go by FueledByOCHD if that would be possible
  8. @Lion.Kanzen Did I do something wrong or something? Yeah, sorry the last time I tried to come back my computer fried. Hoping this time I'll be able to do better work due to a much better computer this time. Btw @Stan` is there any way to request a name change here on the forums?
  9. So I know I'm neckro my own thread, but I am sure that if I'm trying to return to modding again so. This thread may start to grow over the next few day. Before anyone asks I'm starting get back into the flow of 0AD and working to get familiar with the JS code and how modding works again
  10. @niektb I wasn't trying to be rude. Majorly sorry if it came off that way, and it works now thank you
  11. Updated and released Water Resource Up next is Blood Resource
  12. @niektb I need write access on the repositories i listed or i cant push to them.
  13. Kool thank you for giving me an idea @niektb Permissions still wont let me write. you have me as a member in the orgonization. thats why it probably didnt work. when i created them it was right after i made the orgonization Progress note. got water resources working now. but still need to test to see if it works in current version
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