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Le Druide Gaulois

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Le Druide Gaulois last won the day on September 11 2016

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  1. Barracks: Alternative to the fort (I like this one better): Moscow in the XVII and XVIII centuries:
  2. I wonder if there are modellers, programmers and animators that would be willing to work on this civilization as a stand alone project (that would be included in the final game whenever it comes to pass). I'd like to accomplish at least the Russians and the Japanese.
  3. Я рад это Вам нравится! This sketch was somewhat tricky to conceptualize. Russian forts are generally small walled cities with a lot of churches inside, so in order to condense it all in just one building, I had to make some simplifications wich are not always accurate. I'll soon submit some more suggestion sketches for the church within the walls.
  4. Almost two years after the original post, I've decided to come back with some sketches. Not that I hope they'll come to life soon, but I was bored and decided to draw something that could be helpfull some years later. The Fort: References: I originally intended the guard towers (except for the gate) to be round, but I was failing to drawing them round.
  5. Is there any possibility that as the player advances in age the church may grow and changes its form (Age of Empires style)? Or perhaps it stays the same, but if the player wants to build a second church it will be bigger and in accordance of the architectural style of the age/stage it was built.
  6. As for the Saxon dock, I'd suggest shortening the wooden base a little, and adding two or three piers extending away from it. Some boats between piers wood look great as props :D.
  7. thanks so much for modeling that concept of mine! You made it look increible! This was suposed to be the civ center for the Part-II (or even Renaissance) Japanese. I modeled it after some dojo structures.
  8. Those are battlements, but of course they'd be made of wood, lol. Regarding the tile roof, our model of the temple already has the texture. I know I'm nit-picking, but I suggest that because those big buildings, at least in mainland Scandinavia had tile roofs, and I don't really think having different roofs for different buildings would look too contrasting. By the way, would it be undoable to have 4 instead of one longhouses inside the fort's wall?
  9. I like the fort so far, I'd just suggest adding battlements like in the photo updated by wackyserious. And by the way, I think more official buildings like the civ center,barracks, temple and fort, would look more apropriate with tile roof instead of hay.
  10. I really liked how the stable tuerned out, Stan. I just forgot to draw some sort of barrier above the wooden part of the horse's bays. Something that would isolate them from the outside. It's hard to describe, the texture would be something like this :
  11. The models are looking great, guys. Wonderful job! I really like the top left version of the market, btw.
  12. hahahaha You got me! I can't believe I was so unattentive
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