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Everything posted by Strannik

  1. Salute. I've improved the sleeping concept a bit. The sleeping time is reduced. I'll increase it when the animation will be finished. Stanislas69. I'm not sure that I understand your post right. Did you say that legs need more detailed movement?
  2. Salute. This gives me a good idea of how the game works with animations and what target I need to aim at. Thanks a lot! Tiger animations are really amazing! Here is a sleeping animation concept. It's low quality. And if you think this concept is good enough I'll start to improve it. I used this images as a reference:
  3. Salute. I see. I will try to create sleeping animation. Could you answer a few questions, please? What a sleeping animation should be? Stand-lay-sleep-stand or maybe stand-lay-sleep-stretch-stand or something else? How long should it be? What about walk, run, death animations? Will it work in the game? Could you share some more ideas for idle and attack animations? I don't have a good idea about attack animations. Thank you for your help.
  4. Salute. Almin, thanks. There is no problem with a criticism for me. Indeed attack animation is bad. I'll try to improve or discard it and use a new concept. This great model is created and rigged by Micket. I don't work in gaming industry. As I wrote earlier this is the first time I do animations. Sanderd17, understood. Thanks for an explanation. I'll be posting previews of animations and updating archive. Wolf run cycle animation: Wolf idle 01 animation: Wolf idle 02 animation: Improved wolf death animation:
  5. Salute. Fabio, thank you for your reply. I tried to put an image this way, but clearly did something wrong. Should I create animated images for all animations or a .blend file is a better representation?
  6. Salute. Here is a walk cycle animation preview:
  7. Salute. I've created several rough animations for a wolf. This is my first attempt in animation, so any criticism or suggestions are much appreciated. There are .blend files in the attachment. Sorry for my bad English.
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