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Everything posted by greycat

  1. All I listen to is funk and soul music these days. You make like these guys? I really like the muted horn thing... a couple more...
  2. Also This. I don't trust Caesars motives. "...very anciently both peoples dwelling on either side of the river [Rhine] were called Celts.." (Germans) Their first great clash with Romans came at the end of the 2nd century bc, when the Cimbri and Teutoni (Teutones) invaded southern Gaul and northern Italy and were annihilated by Gaius Marius in 102 and 101. it was not until the 1st century bc was well advanced that the Romans learned to distinguish precisely between the Germans and the Celts, a distinction that is made with great clarity by Julius Caesar. It was Caesar who incorporated within the frontiers of the Roman Empire those Germans who had penetrated west of the Rhine, and it is he who gave the earliest extant description of Germanic culture. Encyclopedia Britannica: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/231063/Germanic-peoples
  3. "Celtic art and Celtic culture have their origins in south-western Germany, eastern France and Switzerland and spread from there to other parts of Europe," said Dr Krausse. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-13225829
  4. There were Germanic Celts like the Belgae. Also according to Strabo (Greek geographer, philosopher and historian 64/63 BC – c. AD 24 .) Romans introduced the name Germani, because the Germanic tribes were the authentic Celts (γνησίους Γαλάτας). why not Celt: German?
  5. Maybe if I find what the original Greek word was it may help...
  6. I see. I didn't even think of translation... No I am from Seattle WA.
  7. I could just make a mod after further development. I am just trying to share ideas...
  8. Kelts could also work? AD 260 - Clement of Alexandria’s Stromala I, xv, 71, 3 1 Thus philosophy, a science of the highest utility, flourished in antiquity among the barbarians, shedding its light over the nations. And afterwards it came to Greece. First in its ranks were the pro-phets of the Egyptians ; and the Chaldeans among the Assyrians ; and the Druids among the Gauls ; and the Samanaeans among the Bactrians; and the philosophers of the Kelts; and the Magi of the Persians.
  9. Keep in mind this is a Museum with a curator (keeper of a cultural heritage institution) not just a webpage. http://www.keltenwelt-glauberg.de/en/research-centre/the-celts/ Who were the Celts? Keltoi – Celts: this is what the population north of the Alps was called for the first time in Greek written sources about 500 BC. Unfortunately they have not left any literary tradition of their own, but on the basis of similar archaeological finds and remains they can be localised from the 7th/6th century in an area stretching from eastern France to Bohemia, from northern Switzerland to the River Main, although they probably didn’t see themselves as a unified people nor have a common language. The Celts were an agrarian society, but one that was open to influence from the south such as iron-working technology (from the 8th century BC), the potter’s wheel (late 6th century BC), as well as coinage (from about the 3rd century BC), innovations which they also implemented in their own style and developed further. From the late 4th century BC, at the latest, the entire ancient world south of the Alps was to get to know the Celts more closely. Thanks to Celtic emigrants, adventurers and mercenaries, their traces can be found over an extensive area from the Atlantic coast far across the Alps to Greece and even modern Turkey. From the 3rd century BC large, town-like settlements were established, known as “oppida”. Gaius Julius Caesar came into contact with them during the Gallic War from 58 to 51/50 BC. During the Roman expansion in the 1st century BC, the typical Celtic remains and finds gradually disappeared; the population here gradually adapted to the customs of the new rulers. In the southeast of the British Isles a few objects in the style of the continental Celts are to be found, but since even ancient authors did not describe the Britons as Celts, their inclusion among them is very questionable.
  10. The problem I see with this is the scope of time the game covers. Some of those sub-factions only exist toward the later part of game? The Suebi weren't mentioned until 58 BC, and the Alamanni 260 AD.
  11. It would be hard to keep Latin names out because the Gauls language was replaced with Latin.
  12. I think Gauls and Britons work well context of game.
  13. I believe personally from ancient writers and archeology that the Celts and the Germans (Kelts) were anciently of the same people. But for game purposes and other opinions this may not work. They have unique characteristics also. We also don't know what Germans called themselves.
  14. Yes this is the kind of ideas we should explore i.m.o . Options....I will try to respond to questions you asked.
  15. Yes history is made by winners only that is why historians look deeper. Yes sorry I meant barbarians not pagans.
  16. I was referring to City States Athenians/Spartans... I am not trying to argue but get ideas from people...We can talk history here?
  17. There is a Greek faction. They are being split by city... Pagans did not have nations. They had confederations of tribes. I am not arguing about Celts, I am clarifying. How is DNA and archeology bad? The word "history" means inquiry. Do you not like history? Yes this makes sense.
  18. Since the Celts in the game are called Gauls and relating to a location and language Gaulish. Just calling them Germanic would fit with this better? The Germanic peoples (also called Teutonic, Suebian or Gothic in older literature) are an Indo-European ethno-linguistic group.
  19. They were a large confederation of Suebian tribes. The Suebi were a large portion of Germany during time of Ceasar. Also they had much influence on other Germanic tribes of the area. The Franks and Goths would mostly be much later time period?
  20. I found an interesting article about the DNA of the Irish people. http://www.sott.net/article/263587-DNA-shows-Irish-people-have-more-complex-origins-than-previously-thought "The latest research into Irish DNA has confirmed that the early inhabitants of Ireland were not directly descended from the Keltoi of central Europe. In fact the closest genetic relatives of the Irish in Europe are to be found in the north of Spain in the region known as the Basque Country. These same ancestors are shared to an extent with the people of Britain - especially the Scottish."
  21. a couple of known Gaulish words cingeto = a warrior uxellos = high noble (x = /ks/) rīx, rīg = king - in names recorded by Ceasar
  22. Some of the words are very similar to old Irish. This page should help you. It compares Gaulish, Old Irish and Welsh words. Also looks like a good source for reference books on the subject. http://www.uni-due.de/DI/Background.htm
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