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  1. I have not found a ticket in trac, but if this function also interested developers, then it should open one I proposed for the single player and not multiplayer, because as historic_bruno said, it will certainly be more complex and after seeing at work in L4D2, this function can quickly become unbearable (if there is abuse). I do not know how other multiplayer games have incorporated this function, but here's how it works in L4D2 : - A player can't decide alone to restart the game from other players, so it requires a vote where you have a majority of "yes" (which is a good idea). - But it's in the case of a negative vote that can be a problem, because the one who absolutely want restart, surely require another vote. He can't do more than two consecutive times (just to avoid the abuse, time is required before again two votes), but if other players also wanted to restart (who are the minority), then they may also ask again this vote, which logically will be "no", then a second ... Conclusion : we lose long minutes to vote and vote again (not to play), before being forced to exclude the player or players that problem (by voting, again). - However, if the players know each other and speak the same language (which is essential to develop good strategies = we also create a "vocal group" for this, which need headphone and mic ... which could be another feature request for 0 A.D. ), there is no problem and this function "restart" is fine. This is only a feedback, but if you want to integrate this feature in multiplayer, I think it should be activatable (or not, may be by default) in "More Options".
  2. Hi, I have not seen a post asking this feature ... so I trying : Is it possible to have the "Restart" function in solo mode, and if possible also on random maps. A "Restart" button in the menu (with resign and exit) would be fine, and / or why not in the summary to better compare the differences. This would avoid having to reconfigure the "Game Setup", but especially with a replay exactly the same card (eg to improve its rush, or to claim revenge on "Petra / hard" in the same conditions). If not possible, it's a shame because I find it indispensable to progress efficiently.
  3. Thanks, Leper, I will see your changes in the next update of "0 A.D. Development Snapshots" Good sunday everybody Edit : Effectively GunChleoc, I just noticed the same thing for the "Klein" (become "Petite" for a player FR) :
  4. Hello, For those who manage the localization: I just noticed that the multiplayer lobby was not fully translated, while the French (for me) is 100% in transifex. I also notice the presence of the word "klein" (which must be German) among the terms untranslated :
  5. Hello, Browsing this huge section "General Discussion & Ideas" (66 pages), I am reminded of a tool used to Phoca (components for Joomla) whose principle is (copy/paste their forum is better than my bad english) : "Lots of feature requests are coming along in the forums (especially in this forum board, but also in the others). It's kinda hard to keep track of this. To do this a new 'feedback page' has been opened, using Uservoice. On uservoice you can post your idea / feature request and assign votes to it. Other people can also vote your ideas and so can Jan (the developer of phoca) determine which ideas are popular and which aren't." These feature requests can be placed into categories, there is a voting system (3 votes per user, which will be rendered to the user if the function is turned on), opportunity to comment ... Technical details about this tool : https://www.uservoice.com/tour/feedback/?utm_campaign=footer_feedback&utm_medium=product&utm_source=phoca.uservoice.com Concretely for Phoca : http://phoca.uservoice.com/forums/12720-phoca-gallery I do not really know the tool that can be paid (https://www.uservoice.com/plans/features/), but phoca being free and the developer being alone, he must use the free service (1 agent). It may not be the idea of the century, but since the time that I wanted to tell you, now it's done
  6. Hi, There is a moment that I'm not back here ... so to begin congratulations on your progress This is exactly what has made the popularity of strongholds (personally I like Crusader), without being as complex as "Cossacks" or "American Conquest" (for example) that can be discouraging for beginners (those knew that the Age of Empire, in my opinion too "simplistic"and therefore repetitive). Since there is a mod, I hope MuteLovestone go as far as he can Anyway, topic very encouraging, so good luck to all.
  7. "soon" : http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/14804/ps#file0
  8. Yes, revision locks the string and prevents future modifications of the group "translators". If it would cause too much trouble, the online application provided "undo the revision" function. I don't think this is currently the case, and I was just 15 chains to be changed (this is done). Alternatively, for strings locked, translators can always "suggest" a modification and submit it to the vote, but I did not find how to identify those (strings) that are not used while being requested. We will undoubtedly retouch this translation (eg class names) ... so if the translators wish, we could (on the revised 600 strings) unlock only "ingame" (little, much being "pregame", "summary" ...)
  9. "It also means you stay the owner of the translation, we can't use it in a non CC-BY-SA-approved way without the approval of all translators." Like many, I had not appreciated that opportunistic sells CDs of 0ad on ebay, then the question of take ownership of our translations should perhaps be discussed. I leave you to judge, but if you need a "declaration of donated property" (or whatever his name) called us where to go, and we (me and certainly all) will sign it heartily.
  10. Sanserd thank you, I would use it with love, promised Normal a member of the development team or coordinators. Besides, I do not know what I've read on the license of his translations, but from my point of view, what we do volunteer to be the property of 0ad (an issue that will happen more when it will be merged with the trunk ... so shortly ).
  11. ok, I'll send a request to Gildas. I just found the French-Discussions section on transifex (though I passed regularly ), I'll start there (it will always be better than seeing 48 subjects back regularly on the front page of "Game Development & Technical Discussion" and harm this forum). For the "comments" of transifex (individual lines), they are effectively common to all languages ​​(I made the mistake at the beginning wanting to tell my co-translators some cases had little space before rewrite English so that everyone benefits).Translators (including me first) and the development team seem motivated to multilingual 0ad to alpha 16, then I would do this best to have the most critical possible (the French community) at alpha 16 ... and be at the top for alpha 17 PS: I have not had time to contact Gildas, someone passed me reviewer
  12. Hello everyone, Our translation (French in my case) approaching 100 %, I now check the consistency of terms. Many do not go (such as lobby, gather , civic center ...) as it received multiple translations (according to different translators). These 'problems' are a minority, but of having been reviewed, these translations are locked. In order to equalize our translation, I would like to become a reviewer (being the main translator "French" from 9% to 89% , I think be "legitimate"), and I wonder who to this request: Gallaecio, sanderd17 and Leper are Gallaecio/0 AD project coordinator, but Gildaas is coordinator of the French translation ... Can anyone tell me who to contact to become a reviewer ? Incidentally, the translation ending locked by the review, can we (French translators, or other), open specific topics to discuss our translations (in our respective languages) the best terms to use? (transifex does not seem appropriate to create a discussion between members of a translation) Thank and good evening.
  13. GunChleoc, I do not know if this will help, but to uninstall cleanly, I use "synaptic" and not the software center. In synaptic, there is the "complete removal" option, which should remove the desired package, but also the configuration files that remain in case you decide to reinstall the package (I think those installed directly by sources are present too, but I'm not sure). There are also a bunch of filters that can be very useful (broken packages or packages you manually installed ...) Maybe you should uninstall it completely before installing the version of the official repositories. It is only one track, but I could not help you more, sorry.
  14. Hi, I just tested: And it works I am not available this afternoon (one of my Ramirezis - a Amazonian fish - looks sick, so I have to mount a hospital aquarium), but I look at it tonight. In any case, all my congratulations for the progress of internationalization GunChleoc: On ubuntu 13.10, I installed the libicu-dev (and thus its dependence libicu48) by default with the command:sudo apt-get install git cmake libicu-dev(see http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?s=607441b0b473b681320f37d1a3185316&showtopic=17747&page=2#entry285178) For information, this is the "" version.
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