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  1. Hey! That art is great, it looks good for loading screens, or backgrounds for PC Nice work, and welcome!
  2. I believe that you need 10 posts for see other users profiles, you make it easy if you just post some of your music in other forums or make some comments on the other art-work. Anyways, WELCOME TO THE FORUM! Nice to see new people
  3. I think that this shield could be a good starting point, i have no idea of PS so i can't do much... also, this one is good too: Tell me what you think
  4. Ok, i have noticed that in all the images, they have a border, very big in all, can you make the circle fit the whole space? because it leaves blank areas around it. That will be all i have to suggest Edit: There is the icon attached Icon 0AD.ico
  5. In any case, they look great! But yeah, i'll suggest to attach also a zip file, so is easier to browse and compile it into an only .ico file (i can do that if you want)
  6. Sorry, i have to say that i din't understand anything of what you wrote first, can you rewrite it?
  7. The forum really need a quote notification

  8. I didn't say it was usefull, just easy to learn because you have a lot of tutorials to learn about it. I prefer LUA to be fair, is easy, simple and doesn't get you into headgrabbing-stumping-to-keyboard rutines
  9. Ok, i didn't see the quote, and you are right, maybe other species are more important, but probably they are just great in the game too
  10. Ok, without writing a bible, i want to say: Animals raiding idea: Good Balance caused by random: bad, you can get 3 raids of bears and the other player only 1, and you will be in disadvantage. What i think: It could be implemented as an OPTIONAL setting for multiplayer games, also, it could be like LOTR II battle for middle earth, that you have the little "lairs" of the monsters, and you get your troops there for destroying them.
  11. Hi there, i suck in english too, but you make it at least good haha. In my experience, learning about computers was a thing of trial and error, a lot of times i broke my computer and had to make it work again, i still remember my old pentium celeron with 512mb of ram and no video card. it was great. Also, for a programming language you can use Lua, is great, simple and very usefull, also is a good base for other languages. And Java is a good language because you have a lot, A LOT of tutorials everywhere in the internet to learn about it. Greets! PS: What is your mother language?
  12. I think the models are awesome made and also i don't think that the georgraphic location of the animals is "TREMENDOUS IMPORTANT", look games like age of empires or maybe AOM, you had rhinos in just "sabana" and maybe they aren't from there.
  13. Yeah, also the one from Civilization III could be usefull, but RON's model is a great model to use.
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