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  1. Thanks leper! Yes, i have two little patches. More will come. :-)
  2. I realy realy like the Grim_Fendango proposal! It is driving the 0ad to a new perspective where the game-play is a RTS+RPG and the possibility of history creation goes far nicely away from buildings and battles. The strategies variability can make that a new game when you find a new opponent. But yeah... that may be harder to code. But not that hard! The av93 idea is nice too, and we can mix both putting the av93 idea inside the commerce building. Jeru, i'm brazilian and we have a dramatically pain long slavery history, but that is a strong historical characteristic and i don't know who can say 0ad project is in favor of slavery because that is a game feature while that game has murdering and that is ok. I understand the cultural considerations, but in this case the person must point us as "pro killer" also and that is ridiculous. Well... be sure: the history teacher will love us.
  3. Thanks by helping us Pureon. Well change color in texture will be really difficult to see, but what about blink the selection circle when loyalty decreases? The progress bar and the circle can only be displayed when the unity is selected, so we can chose. That can also have more details in the info box, displaying numerical values. As Jeru propose, we can grow up the blink frequency while the loyalty is lost.
  4. Hi oshron, i believe the Jeru idea simplify your proposal using another ways to display some status. I also believe that three bars is not a nice thing. Will be a real problem when we have some entities together. At least this will crap the artistic value of 0ad.
  5. Yeah! Trees, rocks and dead animals are resources and some of us like to know the resource level without selecting it. So a resource bar is interesting. For alive animals a resource bar is useless, but is nice to know how much resource comes from a chicken or an elephant before killing it. So a icon with the number on details box is interesting. Yeah! I want that too!
  6. Looks like a good idea... Please, call the artists to analyze and comment this proposal!
  7. Yeah... My proposal: Display as bars: Health (for alive things) Resource supply (for dead animals or plants in any state) Siege pack progress (only while progress) Loyalty (for alive units and some animals, when that is not in 100%) [*]Display as icons on details box: Stamina Garrison capacity Resource supply (for alive animals) The maximum that we will see will be two bars. Color may be not intuitive, but with only 2 for specific cases, will be easy to understand seeing the details box.
  8. While i'm trying to implement this feature i need to add a loyalty/wildness bar, like the health bar... but i see that is difficult to put more information together. For animals we already have health and resource (food) bars, 3 bars is unhandable by the current layout, and i believe that will be worst to make that bigger. However, the animal is a food resource only when dead and has loyalty/wildness only when alive. Why have both at same time? My proposal is to make this change on the entity info box: The resource bar will be replaced by loyalty/wildness bar while alive, the resource amount will be displayed as a icon information, also more readable. The loyalty bar will be also applied to units.
  9. Hey! I'm in! May be nice define a theme or a history for this map. What you think?
  10. Ok Lion! You can point me to the discussion or to the ticket about this attack button? And what function/method must be called by that?
  11. Hi all, I still far away to understand how magically things are placed on the game interface and the game structure at all... However, as i did my first task with Leper orientation, i want to make a bigger step: the capture ability, with your orientation. First query: How to add a button on unity details area? I didn't find myself here, but i believe i will touch the unit_commands.js file. But, how? And, where more?
  12. "Descendants of Dr. Emmett Brown" The only want to back to the future, but -- first -- they must to survive and generate o lot of energy.
  13. Step 1: allow all players as bots Step 2: add a game velocity control, allowing us to test that fast.
  14. More one concept to think about: Wildness X Loyalty Gaia units are independent and wild, while, on the other hand, player units are related and loyal. There is no direct translation between this concepts. A gaia's horse has a big wildness, but a owned horse has low loyalty, while a gaia's building has low wildness and when owned has a bigger loyalty. ...and its wildness will grow until 100%, until nobody try to own this. Wildness is like self loyalty, so wildness and loyalty will not decline and grow together. When wildness becomes 0, the unity is owned and its loyalty start to grow up. The same happens to the "gaianization".
  15. Perhaps we must set an animal attention radius where no enemy can capture while it has a owner inside. We may understand this like an area where the animal can accept commands that will protect it from a capturer. That is ok to me! Great! Ok... Please, can you clarify this question? I don't like that. That does not represent a common real capturing. That is done by violence, with no neutral stage. The building is owned by player 1, the player 2 start the capturing process, than that becomes owned by player 2 when that loses the resistance forces. Garrisoning and protecting captured is the way to prevent rapid ownership changes. Nice approach! I believe the kick must happens only when the loyalty becomes 0. Why kick if there still loyal? Cool! Yeah... How about hands trying to catch the female? Looks like a desirable behaviour. Yes!
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