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Everything posted by Phaedros

  1. Ah good reads, my search fu is weak and flabby, I must improve it. And yeah I understand that historically the Egyptians were being conquered but as one poster had said, it would still be cool to see them in the game as they do have a very unique look to their architecture as well as some pretty cool units (Chariots and such), also including Egypt would make sense in a way, it was still around, just conquered or a vassal state.
  2. I have noticed that you guys have not included the Egyptians, are they a planned civilization for a future release?
  3. Box Art looks awesome Ludo, I really like the use of real greek imagery with the landscape blend.
  4. This wasn't an improvement, this was the death of raiding... AoEO fixed that thankfully as it was a horrible idea in the first place... for another game that did this, look at Red Alert 3, raiding miners was no longer a realistic option until you had Air units... Raiding is a fundamental part of any RTS and rewards good play.
  5. This will definitely help get community games going, hope to see it implemented in the near future.
  6. I would suggest if you're having issues with funding, perhaps look into kickstarter or such, could definitely help.
  7. Hello everyone, was searching the great vastness of the interwebs for a Free to play RTS when I stumbled across this gem. I'm just now giving it a try and look forward to providing feedback. Edit: After trying my first game I was left feeling that 0 A.D. did Age of Empires better than Age of Empires did, the sound, the music, the units, the buildings, everything just presented this look and feel that immersed me and made me want to play more. I will definitely continue to play the game. =)
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