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Posts posted by NoMolester

  1. Hello, 'im NoMolester, i am the new leader of the mod project for 0 AD previously called "For Honour and Glory". The project was on hold for a long time but now it has been redesigned and work on it has restarted again.

    The new name for the mod will be "1,000 AD" and it will be divided into two parts.

    1,000 AD

    Previously known as "For Honour and Glory", 1,000 AD is a mod of 0 AD that centers in the Mediterranean Sea during the Middle Ages.

    The following features are still subject to change at any time.

    Following the spirit of the original 0 AD, the game will be released in two parts that span +-500 years from the date of the title (From VI century to XVI century):

    • 1st part: 1,000 AD: For Land and Money will span from 476 AD (the Fall of Western Roman Empire) to 962 AD (the Founding of the Holy Rpman Empire).
    • 2nd part: 1,00 AD: For Honour and Glory will span from 962 AD (the Founding of the Holy Rpman Empire) to 1453 AD (the Fall of the Eastern Roman Empire).

    The first part will be a rather conservative mod mainly centered in redesigning the art and the civilizations with only 12 factions and no gameplay changes.

    The second part, once the team is experienced and familiarized with the system, will be a broader aproach that will ad many features to the game and at least 15 cnew civilizations.

    ==For Land and Money==

    The first part of the mod will be called For Land and Money and it will be centered in the Mediterranean Sea from 476 AD to 962 AD.

    The three settlement phases will be: Tribe, Village and Feud.

    It will hve the following 12 civilizations divided into five architectural groups:

    Northern germanics:





    Southern germanics:






    -Eastern Romans




    Steppe Nomad (architectural type):







    There will be no great changes in gameplay for this part.

    ==For Honour and Glory==

    The second part of the mod will be called For Honour and Glory and it will be centered in the Mediterranean Sea from 962 AD to 1453 AD.

    The three settlement phases will be: Feud, Burg, Urban.

    It will hve the following 15 cultures divided into eight architectural groups. Every culture will have the oportunity of evolving into one of two or three civilizations when it reaches the urban phase, each one with a unique array of units ad technologies to further specialize your culture:

    Architectural group:

    -Culture (phase 3 option 1, phase 3 option 2, ...)


    -Scandinavians (Kingdom of Denmark, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Norway)


    -Byzantines (Komnenos Dinasty, Latin Empire, Empire of Nicaea)


    -Inland Italians (Duchy of Capulia and Calabria, Lombard League, Papal States)

    -Naval Republics (Most Serene Republic of Florence, Most Serene Republic of Venice, Most Serene Republic of Genoa)


    -English (Norman Dinasty, Plantagenet Dinasty)

    -Holy Romans (County Palatine of the Rhine, Duchy of Saxony, Margraviate of Brandemburg, Kingdom of Bohemia)

    -French (Kingdom of Arles, Kingdom of Francia)


    -Sarrasens (Fatimid Imamate, Ayubid Caliphate, Abassid Caliphate)

    -Turks (Khwarazmian Sultanate, Great Seljuk Sultanate, Ottoman Sultanate)

    -Maghrebians (Almoravid Hermit Order, Almohade Sultanate, Caliphate of Córdoba)

    -Berebers (Almoravid Hermit Order, Almohade Sultanate, Caliphate of Córdoba)


    -Spaniards (Kingdom of Castile, Kingdom of León, Krown of Aragón)

    -Galicians (Kingdom of Portugal, Kingdom of Galicia)


    -Rusians (Grand Principality of Vladimir-Suzdal, Kievan Rus, Novgorod Republic)

    -Western Slavs (Kingdom of Poland, Tzardom of Bulgary, Grand Principality of Serbia)


    -Hungarians (Arpad Dinasty, Anjou Dinasty)

    When reaching the third phase (Urban phase) you will be able to choose a specialization for your culture, in the form of a medieval late high middle age state or dinasty with a unique array of units and technologies.

    Being already deep into the age of castles, you will start with a keep or stone fort instead of a simple town center and his will be both, civic centres and fortress. Normal fortresses will be eliminated to encourage the construction of wall and towers around your keep thus making it more feudal. Proper balance will be made to do not disrupt the gameplay.

    In the third phase you will be able to build monasteries and choose from different monastic/crusader/jihadist orders that will unlock new units or technologies. The orders available might depend on your 3rd phase civilization.





    Project Leader














    • Like 4
  2. I think is a good idea but for a mod, like AoE3's asian dinasies campaign.

    To have a mod that mixes ancient romans and carthaginians with ancient mayans and olmecs (not aztecs they were postclassical).

    And create a campagin about it.

    But again, for a mod, not vanilla. Vanilla is 99% historic.

    • Like 1
  3. I was thinkig in the length too,

    perhaps a max lenghth of 4 and a min length of 3, that would make the Thracians go from thrac to thra and the achaemenids from achae to acha but it would be less obvious for the achaemenids because of the mute a.

    The other civs are in case that they want to make a DLC or for the part 2 but they will not be in the first release. "Just in case."

  4. Indeed, most of niektb's "evolutions" are incorrect somehow, however niektb has an interesting point in his post.

    I was thinking to divide the project in two parts, following a similar peace like 0 AD vanilla with the first part (For land and money) being a more conservative aproach with just 12 civs and no "evolving" factions and the second part (after having more experience) being a more audacious attempt with 14/19 civs and evolving nations.

    But it seems nobody cares about dark ages or at least care less about them than the classical knightly high middle age and releasing (and alpha-beta testing) a mod about the dark ages wouldnt attract too many people as a high middle ages one.

    I want to make a linear continuation of 0 AD with the same structure: two parts with +-500 years from the date of the name (1,000 AD), to be more "representative/loyal/nostalgic/congruent" in relation to 0 AD and, following this line of thinking, a dark ages mod would not only be necessary but should it come before a high middle age mod. That's why i divided it.

    EDIT: Also i kept the setttlement phases style instead of the classical "ages" format from AoE to give it more flexibility in terms of chronological representation of the game (besides the loyal/nostalgic/congruent relation to 0 AD vanilla).

    I should make some sort of poll to measure the interest of the people here in the dark ages.

  5. Idea:

    Republicans: Yellow wolf, red background.


    High Imperials: Yellow eagle, purple background (The color of the empire)


    Late Imperials: White/Black constantine symbol, purple background (The color of the empire)


    With the romans we should have an eye in part one and the other eye in part 2.

  6. I think "standing male villagers" should be included, not the type of villager that can collect resources but a normal male villager that can't become a soldier just for scenario design purposes. Perhaps with different tools, like one with a sickle and a farmer hat, another with a fishing net, carrying a dead sheep, ect. Perhaps able to perform animations like simulate that they are talking with other people infront of them (moving their hands as if their were talking "a la italiana"), sat down and sleeping (like the mexican stereotype of the sleeping dood), n stuff.

  7. Oh, now i understood, excellent idea, whAT about this?:

    call the mod 1,000 AD with 2 parts

    part 1 called 1,000 AD: For Land and Money from 476 AD (Fall of Western Roman Empire) to 962 AD (Founding of the Holy Roman Empire) for a total of 486 years.

    part 2 called 1,000 AD: For Honour and Glory from 962 AD (Founding of the Holy Roman Empire) - 1453 AD (Fall of Eastern Roman Empire) for a total of 491 years.

    To follow the 0 AD original 500 years span idea.

    Architectural group:

    -Civilization 1

    -Civilization 2

    === 1,000 AD: For Land and Money ===

    Northern germans:




    Southern germans:






    -Eastern romans









    1st phase: Tribal stage.

    2nd phase: Village stage.

    3rd phase: Feudal stage.

    === 1,000 AD: For Honour and Glory ===



























    19 factions... they are too many factions for part 2, perhaps mixing some factions into its simplified equivalents?

    Florentines, Genoans => Northern italians (that would add the possibility of somehow representing milan, piemonte and papal states)?

    Kievans, Novgorodians => Rus?

    Berebers, Sarrasens => Sarrasens?

    Castilians, Aragonseses => Spaniards?


    1st phase: Feudal stage

    2nd phase: Burg stage

    3rd phase: Urban stage

  8. Ok, so I added the Sarmatians and scythians to have steppe civs for a total of 18. I think we should have a max of 20 more or less.

    But it would be good if some developer tells us a little bit more about minicivs so we can work on that instead of just speculations.

    Things like:


    -Units rooster

    -buildings rooster

    -how to conqueer thm

    -how complex

    I would prefer a more active miniciv with AI, some economic buildings an a couple of units for them to train (perhaps we could save work by mixing the werehouse and the farmstead in one building for the minicivs, let them have only farms but not corrals, barrack, dock and temple and of course CC)

    If they are just one building were you can build an outpost and train units i'd suggest something more like a camp/tribe like th roman one.

    But i am afraid that even the developers dont know exactly how minicivs are going to be, i think they havent thought that yet since there is still other more important things to work in.

    Added thassalia/achaean league

  9. I supose that the roof is like the roof of the stereotypical middle eastern markets with colored fabric?

    perhaps with paralel lines in dirty white and the color of the player .

    Instead of the typical hay or wood.

    If so, i like the idea, it is a building of the poor after all.

    like the first market of the image.


  10. About the template, since we still don't know how minifcations are going to work, i am going for a conservative aproach:

    I guess they will be small towns scattered in the map and you will have the option to destroy them, peacefully absorb them or violently absorb them (how to do this is not in the concern of the post). Once you "absorb" them and get control of their buildings you will gain access to their units and might be a couple of technologies. So i supose they will have only basic structures and a limited array of units, perhaps in their defending army the'd have some units from real factions to withstand a decent defence when attacked so a complete array of units will not be necessary. For example the samnites may start with 10 samnite legio linteatas, 10 roman velites, 10 athenian hoplites and 5 equites to efend their buildings. But once you gain access to those buildings you can only train legio lineteatas.

    So i would go for a more limited template:


    • House
    • Barracks
    • Dock (in case they have ships)
    • Farms, farmsteads, corral, storehouses, palisades and outposts.
    • Temple (For the technologies)
    • Market (To trade with them)
    • Civic Centre (perhaps the building you need to convert/conquer)


    • Fishing boat
    • Trading ship
    • Light warship
    • Medium warship


    • Inf 1
    • Inf 2
    • Inf 3/Cab 1


    • Female
    • Trader

    Their civ bonuses would be more like "technologies" you can research at their temple and gain those bonuses.

    They would start with temple, market, dock, barracks and civic centre so you can conquer them quickly instead of waiting them to build that stuff.

    Also not having the option to create more CC.

    Might be not siege units.

    And just a few units, lets say 3 (besides women)?.

    Do you think i should delete the celtiberians?

    I think they were just Iberian celts, but celts after all, but don't know how seperated in terms of architecture and war they were from the celts.

    What about unlocking 1 heore? (like if you cconquer epirus you can train pjyrrus at their CC

  11. Ok.

    i deleted dalmatia, nubia and dacia. A

    dded pergamon, thessalia, Aetolian league, pergamon, Galatia and pontus.

    I wanted to add pergamon but forgot the name of the civ XDDDD

    I also wanted to add Thessalia but thought there would be too many greeks.

    I know Etruria owes nothing to Rome, actually rome owes a lot to Etruria, but is for the sake of saving work in the buildings.

  12. If i am not incorrect, i think the Seleucids will be the last faction. Here i propose some Minifactions.

    I will update this post with new info for the civs. If i could get enough info for a civ, i will propose a civ profile for a future DLC, you could help me if you want with some info or images.

    In perenthesis is the culture group they could belong to in order to save some work for the buildings. Also, as minifactions, they would have a limited amount of buildings: House (the 3 types), barracks and stable to train their units, a temple to investigate their bonus technologies and some of them a dock to train their ships in case they have.

    Italics = Roman building set.

    ==Etruscans (Italics)==


    Etruscan Hoplite:

    As with most armies, the infantry was the key element of Etruscan forces, and the hoplites fought using the phalanx formation – a dense line of soldiers armed with spears and round shields, overlapping one another. As hoplites supplied their own arms, and there was no state uniformity, the phalanx may have contained many differently armed hoplites. However, its strength (and sometimes its weakness) lay in its cohesion as one unit.

    When the settlement is captured you can train their hoplite. A hoplite that is weak when is in basic xp but very powerful when becomes advanced and elite. So the strategy would be to keep them alive until they become experienced. Is like they are a weak unit when they are recently trained but a champion unit once they reach into elite.

    Technologies at the temple

    Rear push:

    On the advance the older, more experienced men in the rear ranks kept the line moving forward and made sure that nobody dropped out. There would be much shouting and calling by name as troops got too far ahead in some places and too far behind in others. Few hoplite armies were capable of advancing in line over any great distance without becoming disordered. Thucydides makes it clear that most armies had great difficulty advancing with their ranks in good order. Any unexpected obstacle could bring the phalanx to a complete halt or break its formation. As a result, generals selected plains on which to fight their battles, otherwise most hoplite armies would simply find it impossible to come to contact.

    Will have a positive affect on the stamina of your units when stamina is done again in the game. Might be stamina will drop at 50% rate instead of 100% or will recover quicklier.

    ==Samnites (Italics)==


    Legio Linteata:

    They were elite corps of the Samnitic army. At the beginning every warrior could join the corps only after a holy ceremony, during which he oathed in front of various gods to be ready to die for the defence of his people. After their entrance in the corps, these warriors formed a warrior caste.

    Titus Livius speaks very detailed of this Legio in his Annales. According to Livius every man who betryaled the oath made to the gods or didn't join the army after his call-up should be sacrificed to Jupiter.

    A triarius-like pikeman, can be trained at the temple, giving you two buildings for training.

    Elite, advanced, basic (From left to right).

    Civ bonus/Technologies available when captured:

    Sacred oath:

    The young warrior was guided in the centre of a cirle of warriors with unsheathed swords. The young was then asked, in front of an altar stained with the blood of victims, to oath that he would not betryal his army, invoking a curse on his family and his lineage if he would have not gone to fight where asked or if he would have escaped from the battlefield or even if he would have seen a comrade fleeing without killing him. Some who refused to oath were killed in front of the others and their corpses were abandoned with those of the sacrificed victims.

    This oath would make sure all warriors would attend to the war call. Makes faster to train soldiers.

    ==Epirus (Hellenics)==


    -Molossian phalanx:

    ==Thracians (Hellenics)==

    ==Celtiberans (Celts or Iberians)==

    ==Syracusa (Hellenics)==


    Mamertine meercenary:

    ==Thebes (Hellenics)==

    ==Baktrians (Seleucids)==



    ==Germans (to become a normal civ in part 2)==

    ==Pergamon (Greeks)==

    ==Thessalia/Achaean league (Greeks)==

    ==Aetolian League (Greeks)==

    ==Galatia (Gauls)==

    ==Pontus (Seleucid)==





    ==Nubians (more like old school egypt)==

  13. i Would really like to see bridges, at very least for scenario design purposes besides tha fake terrain based bridges.

    And destroyable too.

    About roads i think this could be on hold until the AI for the pathfinding works properly, but buildable-destroyable bridges should definitelly be in the game.

    • Like 1
  14. Hello, a person i know wants to register in the forum, one of the registration questions is about the third version of the alpha release, the qustion points you to the wikipedia page of the game 2ith the tag "#version_history" to find out and answer, however there is no such subtitle as "Version History" in the wikipedia page and there is no info about it anywhere so this person can't create an account.

    You should check this out who knows how many people wanted to register and couldn't because of this.

    Thank you.

    And if you could tell me what is the name of the 3rd alpha release so my friend can register, i'd apreciate it.

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