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Posts posted by Josh

  1. you could extrude that top face and flatten the whole hull with the scale tool, the poly count might be a little dense, but it could be a little more realistic, and you might not have to completely start over

    Just a thought, but I'd lighten the polygon count as much as possible

    Sorry, I didn't see your post before I posted my above post. What your saying is exactly what I was thinking.

    And on polys I plan on building a high poly model than de-polying to make it more efficant (right now my face count is 341!)

  2. Josh, if I remember well, you can change the appearance of the edges and vertices in the "Styles" section. Try there.

    About the hull : the hull you made doesn't have a realistic profile. It's a kind of V and seem very unstable. Please check how boats are designed, you will see that this shape doesn't work (as far I know). I think you shoulds restart the whole hull.

    I have an idea what profile sailboats need, I have been doing competitive sailboat racing twice a week in the spring and fall for two and a half years.

    And I have to argue about the hull. From what I can find historically the hulls were quite shallow

    (As seen here and here as quick historical examples here for an example from age of empires)

    Besides all the above I will add another layer on top of the current hull. I will be back with that shortly.

    (Sorry if I sound angry)

  3. @Josh

    The hull needs thickness. Also keep in mind that the engine doesn't render backside normals. Therefore, things like the sail should have another set of faces with their normals flipped. ;) try to add it a rope or a crate :P


    Great design, as always :)

    Can't wait to see it detailed

    *facepalm* I forgot about the normals, I'll try to fix that. Thanks for the input!

  4. Hi Josh! Thanks for your work on the boat! I find the hull too V-shaped looking from the side. You should inspire yourself more from the source photo, don't you think ? I like your sail, and on the contrary I think the mast is much too thick. Try having it almost twice thiner and a bit taller. It should rise clearly above the sail, I think.

    And on a purely technical aspect : can you capture the model without having the end vertices appearing stressed bold that way ? The classic display in Sketchup seems clearer to me.

    1. I agree on the mast, It was way to big! I must be going blind :P
    2. Of the weird vertices display, I'm not sure why it's doing that; I have setting at default.
    3. On the hull shape, that took a really long time to do but I can add another row of ploys with a higher angle on top of the current hull if you think it's really necessary.
    4. (edit) And about the sources all of them depict large boats or small boats without sails except one. So I'm going on the modern dhow for sail rig and my own interpretation for the hull.

    I've made a lot of changes, here are the new pictures:

    (Suggestions, Suggestions, Suggestions!)



  5. I have an nvidia 7600gt with passive cooling and when there are a few hundred characters on the screen my machine starts to get a bit laggy. I have an intel E6600 processor and 6GB of ram.

    Should I consider upgrading my graphics card? I'm really out of touch with hardware these days and not sure where I'm falling down performance-wise.

    Thanks for reading,


    Before you start the game try starting task manager and let it run in the background. When you start to see the game lagging, minimize the game and check CPU usage on task manager's graph. If it looks like it was maxing out the processor, that is your problem, if not it's your graphics.

  6. Afaik it was a scan from a book, and thus content we would make available. And while it might not be a huge difference I'd still say there's a difference in linking to copyrighted material and hosting it ourselves. I have no idea about exactly what's allowed and not allowed in this case though, especially since it should be clear it's just for reference purposes. :unsure:

    According to everything I've read about copyright law, It is perfectly legal to link to copyrighted content if it is for educational use. (uploading or downloading the file would be illegal)

    So yes, it would be legal to link to it here as long as you didn't upload it and nobody downloads it.

    (Although you can never be sure, copyright law is such a patchwork of so many different laws and can be quite fuzzy in places)

  7. that is the problem are a lot, i idea for suggest to me? believe me create in Sketch up its not too easy.

    (If your OK with the tutorials being in English) I would always suggest Google's tutorials first:

    1. www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPkv9tRuO-c
    2. www.youtube.com/watch?v=tS11K5PgHkc
    3. www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwJntmJxi78
    4. www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kc0yunYvM7U

    Then I'd pick and choose from the "Google Sketchup Toolbar Series" which goes through the more detailed uses of each tool.

    (You can find them here)

  8. this guy are amazing, you must make a tutoial how create building faster in Sketch-up, i try its some difficult but most easier than blender

    Search youtube for Sketchup tutorials, there are a huge amount.

    @lordgood Are you just using the default texture mapping system or a plug-in? I always found I had to do the mapping in 3dsmax for it to work in 0ad.

  9. What animations can ships have?

    Using animations, is it possible to have sails open as a ship begins to move and have the sails close as the ship finishes it's movement?

    Basically is there an 'end movement' animation cue? If not is it possible to be added?

    Thanks in advance!

    (sorry if this isn't the right place to post this)

  10. Alright, today (eastern standard time) I'm hoping to start on the boats. But before I can start I have a few questions:

    1. From the reference material do you think ships/boat of the period would only have been square-rigged or would they have also have had a lateen(triangle) sail?
    2. What animations 'cues' are available to boats in 0ad? (Example: idle, move, attack...)


    I think I'm going to go for something like this for the trading ship:


    I know the picture is modern day but the boat type originated somewhere between 600BC and 600AD in the Indian Ocean-Red Sea area and have been used commercially since then. (Here's the Wikipedia article.)

    ---Edit 2---

    Here's a history article that mentions the use of dhows shortly after or during the Mauryan period.

    ---Edit 3---

    Another article

    ---Edit 4---

    Another picture of a much larger dhow:


  11. Has anyone started on the Mauryan Docks yet?

    References (from Mauryan Thread):

    This will be hard.. I'll re-post some stuff I've posted.





    Sanghamitra(Ashoka's daughter) goes to Sri Lanka




    A double masted ship, Satavahana era. Not much detail, but it looks like a large/medium sized double masted ship.





    Double masted ships from Javaese reliefs. I believe it's Indian influenced, but it's at a very later era(8th,9th). Could be useful though.





    Smaller ships from that era.





    From Ajanta cave


    Rare image of an Indus civ ship



    Also from the wiki:


    • Generic Name: Fisherman.
    • Specific Name: Matsyapalak.
      • Class: Fishing Boat.
      • Appearance:
        • Shell: -

        [*]History: .

        [*]Garrison: Cannot.

        [*]Garrison Capacity: 1; support, infantry

        [*]Function: Gathering: Only method of collecting meat from fish.

        [*]Special: Garrison a support unit or infantry unit inside to boost fishing rate.

    • Generic Name: Trading Ship.
    • Specific Name: Vanijyik Nauka.
      • Class: Merchant Ship.
      • Appearance:
        • Shell: .

        [*]History: .

        [*]Garrison: Cannot.

        [*]Function: Sets up trade routes between friendly Ports.

        [*]Special: Garrison a Trader inside to boost the amount of trade received.

    • Generic Name: Light Warship.
    • Specific Name: Yudhpot.
      • Class: Light Warship.
      • Appearance:
        • Shell: .

        [*]History: .

        [*]Garrison: Cannot.

        [*]Function: .

        [*]Special: -

    • Generic Name: Medium Warship.
    • Specific Name: Yudhpot.
      • Class: Medium Warship.
      • Appearence:
        • Shell: .

        [*]History: .

        [*]Garrison: Cannot.

        [*]Function: .

        [*]Special: .

    • Generic Name: Harbour.
    • Specific Name: Naukasthanaka.
      • Class: Dock.
      • History: .


    Another reference I found was this (http://en.wikipedia....aritime_history) page which has a lot of interesting information on early Indian trade.

    To sum it up, the Mauryan period was one when India's first navy was formed and trade began to flourish with the Mediterranean (primarily with the Romans) as the Mauryans began exploring their maritime neighbors.


    Added Mauryan Harbor info to wiki section.


    The Paṭṭiṉappālai is dated from about 100BC-100AD (http://en.wikipedia..../Pattinappaalai) and contains detailed accounts about a thriving trade city. If anyone can find it in English I think it could be a valuable resource.

    • Like 1
  12. I don't think anybody's working on making the Mauryan ships. And, there's also their worker elephant which will need special props. Not strictly Mauryan, but there's a need for Wonders for 10(?) of the civs. See the associated thread. Also, there was some talk of creating an African mini-faction.

    Wikipedia has a great list of images of the Great Stupa at Sanchi if you want to try your hand at the Mauryan Wonder. There's also Dhamek Stupa which used to stand 300 feet (91m)

    I think I'll give the Mauryan ships a try. Do you happen to know which boats/ship need to be done besides a fishing boat?

    (edit: ignore this and see relevant thread)

  13. Well, I did that, put it in windowed mode and it worked! (sort of)

    The map loaded, model meshes loaded, terrain loaded with textures, and fps were OK but no model textures loaded. I have attached a screenshot. One other possibly relevant thing, as far as I can tell my gpu is not very heavily loaded but my cpu is working overtime. And finally I was wondering what enabling novbo actually does?

    (edit: Yes I'm nearly positive I have the latest drivers. Also I'm afraid this is a laptop so a graphics upgrade isn't possible, I do however have my graphics pretty heavily overclocked.)

    (edit 2: another thing, my GPU has 64mb video ram.)

    (edit 3: this may be random or helpful, but Age of Empires 3 runs flawlessly on the same computer.)

    (edit 4: I may have spoken to soon about the fps)

    (edit 5: I may have spoken to soon about the crashing too. Now it runs awhile before crashing. This may be coincidental but it seems to crash when I move around using the middle mouse button or arrow keys.)

    (edit 6: Also every test I ran was without AI.)

    Thank you very much for your help!


  14. -Can you try it with colors like on the Enrique's picture ? especially : dark brown for the timber.

    -Also, what do you think of simplifying the roof top to have lees polygons ?

    -Also, I am thinking that the gate takes too much space. Having it cut in two pieces instead of one large would surely work better.

    With that fixed, the model starts to be rather good for me. I'm curious to see it textured for the game.

    1. Sorry about the quick texturing, as I said it was 'quick' ;)
    2. When I first made the model I thought it was to plain/perfect so I added the inconsistencies in the roof, I would like to keep them if possible.
    3. The polygon cost of having a two piece gate outweighs the benefits in my mind but I do agree it takes up too much space. So I changed it to a outward-opening gate and adjusted the angle. I think it fixes most of the problem.

    Again, suggestions,suggestions, suggestions!


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