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Everything posted by Aldaron

  1. Metal Gear Solid.... When I need a new ava i just google it
  2. Pick one from a game u like.... I've always done that!
  3. Saw ''Young guns'' on tv yesterday... A good old western movie...
  4. 1.75 / 1.80 cm... something like that.... too lazy too check
  5. Radeon 9200! That's a l33t one.... Ain't it? I saw some movies for HalfLife 2... x 4 Holy crap! Now that's graphics!
  6. Thx DA! Anyone know what Doom 3 requires?
  7. Lol! Awesome! A thread for my comp 512 RAM 120 GB HD 1800 MGz Uh.. forgotten anyhting? Maybe I'll post a pic someday... Anyway; Woohoo! Now to get a router....
  8. Hans Zimmer 've made the soundtracks 'til The Last Samurai, Armagedon and MI2 too...
  9. *Backflips, frontflips, sideflips and dodges capses* *Is tired* *kicks away Chichi's M16* U could hurt somebody with that! *Teleports to bed* *Sleeps* I'll fight ya tommorow Chichi Friends?
  10. *one part turns to Chihchi and slices his head off* *othr part continues to kill soldiers*
  11. Sure u do *dodges bullets with Katana* *KIlls Chichi's army one after one* :samurai:
  12. oops! *retreats* *Lures army after* *Does the tactics they use in TLS* *Calls Chichi a coward for calling after his army* Where is your honor? lol
  13. *Has a katana too* *Charges towards Chicchi*
  14. *Infiltrates Chichi's base* *plants a mega bomb* *escapes* *watches* 3-2-1-BOOM! oops.....
  15. I wrote friends ZeZar Judas is over... But team Antonsen? ! Narko joker, lol!
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