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Posts posted by FeXoR

  1. Most Linux distribution only supports Ogg/Theora/Vorbis and Webm/VP8/Vorbis by default but they are not natively supported on Mac/Windows. Maybe Webm could be used also bundling the decoder for Mac and Windows?

    Yes, something like that. Or bring the VLC Media Player with the CD that is also available for any OS officially supported by 0 A.D. and GPL/LGPL.licensed.

  2. All browsers have support for one or more of: .avi, .wmv, .mp4, .mov, .ogv, .webm.

    Well, .avi and .mp4 is always there...

    .avi is just a container, not a codec. But there should be a format supported by all OSs by default. But I doubt it's one of the listed ones ^^.

    If that old video codecs are considered good enough for the pretty high resolution videos BrynnOfCastlegate made is another question then.

    EDIT: But I'm wrong! For example XVid is an MPEG-4 codec that should be supported by any OS. Some others are supported as well. "Natively" seams to mean that a codec is available for that OS though. This might still include the need of a download. Not sure.


  3. Windows doesn't come with flash/real/divX player plug-in AFAIK. For most formats the default video player on windows (the illness MS Media Player) needs to download the codec... and so needs an internet connection.

    Most GNU/Linux systems don't come with players for proprietary codecs at all due to their lack of freedom (like free to change). Oh, wait, vlc! (is this legal???).

    I have no information about macOS...

  4. If a person does not have access to the internet he would get 0AD with a CD. Would it not be OK having the videos on the CD (without carrying the ability to play them ingame but perhaps an open source video player for all supported OSs)?

    If PPL download it they obviously have a decent internet connection. For those cases links ingame would be nice (much easier to realize).

  5. Ai needs to surrender if you get a kicka... Battle. if Ai offers surrender you must propose to it be Ally or Client player (Vassal).

    This concerns "victory/defeat condition" not diplomacy.

    If Ai beat you (not absolute defeat) they offers a peace if you: Lose in 1-1 match. in Multiplayer, give Tribute, some units, an maybe a extra territory an Ally with in against other opponent. in all Ai/players against you obviously but in ally vrs ally you must be change to team for example 2 vs 2 be a 3 vs 1.

    I'm not sure I get this right but it seams something like "game settings" are mixed in here. My description is purely for an AI player that has the same possibilities as a human player in a game where diplomacy is enabled.

    you can force a peace if all factions lacks of Citizen soldiers (perfect in a 1vs1 game). the peace be 15 minutes or less.

    This is independent of diplomacy as well.

    in mode screen you can choose a initial ceasefire to 10-30 min. see Empire earth II

    This would be a possible game setting that indeed does interfere with diplomacy. But implementing this befor diplomacy works would be quide pointless ^^.

    same last but for Initial to first player in game to research III Phase.(a tech Run XD)

    This would be a possible "victory/defeat condition". Nothing to do with diplomacy.

    In All Nautral players map (free deplomacy setting) the Ai can be negotiate with all Neutral playesr and in 15 don't make a treaty they change to enemy (in Hard level Ai) with player that don't answer they request.

    yes that be conditionated by Level of the Ai.(that my opinion)

    Easy! Fist make it work, then make it have difficulty settings.

    Edit: Since hard AIs are likely to cheat they will have more resources and units in total so the effect of a non-cheating human player will be quite low (see the "scaling" part close to the end of the first post). It "naturally" scales with the difficulty settings and does not need to be further tweaked.

    Please try to stay close to the topic ;)

  6. I had some ideas for how AIs may act depending on diplomacy.

    Since I found no exactly fitting topic I'll start a new one. I hope that's OK. Otherwise feel free to join this with an older topic like:






    A rough description of how AIs could react to player interaction dependent on diplomacy:

    -- General:

    - The AIs store "favor points" for each other player starting with 0.

    - The AI focuses attacking the player with the least favor.

    - The AI offers a "peace treaty" to the player with the most favor.

    -- Depending on time:

    - If the sum of an AIs favor for all other players is > 0 each players favor increases over time.

    - If the sum of an AIs favor for all other players is < 0 each players favor decreases over time.

    (Additionally the values absolute could drop over time by e.g. 1/10 each 10 seconds to simulate "forgetting"/"forgiving")

    -- Depending on kills:

    - Favor decreases for a player if that player kills an entity of the AI

    - Favor increases in an AI for a player if that player kills enemy entities (not owned by that player) inside the AIs teritory.

    -- Depending on tributes:

    - A player gains favor for an AI if he gives tributes to that AI.

    Reaction if a player offers an AI a "peace treaty":

    - The AI sends that player a message telling him how much tribute that player has to provide to reach the "first rank" in the favor list (perhaps only if his favor is > 0, otherwise the player has to "guess" how much tribute is needed).

    Reaction on best favor change:

    - The AI tells the former ally how much tribute it will cost him to keep this alliance (tribute depends on how far the "new" high favor player is apart in terms of favor).

    - If the former ally does not react in a current amount of time (e.g. 1 min) he cancels his old alliance and offers a "peace treaty" to the new highest favor player.

    Reaction on a peace offer denied by an other AI:

    - Decide if the value of the requested tribute is worth it and pay it if it's worth it (see below).

    Problems and further questions:

    -- Scaling:

    - Time (press average to 0): Indeed this could be instant: A favor value has changed -> for all players: favor - sumOfFavorOfAllPlayers / numOfOtherPlayers

    OR it could depend on time indeed: Every 10 seconds: for all players: favor - sumOfFavorOfAllPlayers / numOfOtherPlayers / 10

    - Time (forget/forgive): See above.

    - Kills: The amount of favor gained/lost by kills should depend on the actual population of the AI e.g. 100 / (actual population + 1).

    - Tributes: The value in favor of a resource type should depend on the AIs needs. So it could be: resourceAmountGivenOfA Type / (AIsActualAmountOfThatResource + 1/3 * amountOfThatResourceInsideTheAIsTeritory).

    -- Determine the worth of a players alliance:

    - That should depend (easiest) on the players actual population (and maybe the territory he has claimed and perhaps on the amount of resources he has). Most fitting would be the total worth of a player (sum of the resources all his entities costs + his actual resources, NOTE: For this to work well entities resource costs would need to be balanced and they are far from being balanced right now!).

  7. The right time is when you have enough resources to go to town age because you can't produce fast enough in your Civil Centre to get rid of all your food and wood, the right units are mass skirmishers chopping wood before attacking and the 10-20 females (for a faster start later working on farms) aren't to speak of (in sense of resources) when it comes to a possible counter attack. No enemy will be able to have siege engines at the time you overwhelm him with 100-150 skirmishers.

    Until now there's no way to beat this IMO but it cannot be done with all civs since not all civs have citizen soldiers only costing food and wood with gather capacity.

    That does not mean I'm against user friendly input. I just can't see a "best" way how it should work. And before that is clear I don't think it's worth to implement (until someone just does it, that's fine too).

  8. There's still the problem that it is better to garrison units adding arrows to buildings with an attack and maneuver females around such offensively enhances structures where the enemy is then killed with minimal cost of the lost units for you - as long as you can't garrison all units you have and that's pretty unlikely. Of cause females can be garrisoned in buildings without an attack (like barracks or temples) without loosing offensive capability of buildings.

  9. To be sure, so would I and many other contributors, but we should be realistic and focus on goals that can be accomplished quickly and easily.

    I agree on that, too. Just wanted to say clearly I miss triggers and that their absence makes many things painful and ugly to implement (especially but not exclusively RMGEN and AI), that I'm willing to work hard to contribute to triggers IF the team decides now is the time to do it and that I dream of the day they'll be up and running. Nothing more, nothing less ^^.

  10. Thank you!

    Have you had a chance to look at the slightly modified second video on Vimeo? I uploaded it in place of the first version. If you like it, I can put that one up on YouTube as well.


    I like your work, too. And I don't think it's exclusively manual OR video OR interactive tutorial. But I'd love to have triggers (and with trigger based random map generation access to all the entity attributes for that ^^).

  11. sounds like I messed something up in my latest SVN commit, I'll check.

    edit: definitely not getting it, and your latest edit indicate it's pretty weird. Could you repost your mainlog ?

    edit2: wait, wasn't it with you I already had encountered an issue on IRC? Seems like the same deal.

    Yes! Thats why I said it seams to be a graphic card issue. Mine does not seam to have not enough ?whatever? to enable it all. But it looks great with many settings. ("waterreflection = true" and "waternormals = true" seams vital).

  12. You shouldn't have that setting with the latest patch, are you sure your SVN is properly updated?

    Yes, I did it again and I don't have any modified files (not in the game directory nor in the cache).

    The "superfancywater = false" came from my old local.cfg I emptied now. I emptied the cache as well.

    Still the same.

    I now see in the default.cfg:

    waternormals = true
    waterrealdepth = true
    waterfoam = false
    watercoastalwaves = false
    waterrefraction = true
    waterreflection = true
    watershadows = false

    Guess that are the new settings. What to change?


    Works with only "waternormals = false" changed.

    Works with settings as above but "waterrealdepth = false", too.

    Same with "waterrefraction = false"...

    And with "waterreflection = false".


    So if I turn ANY ONE false additionally to the ones set false by default it works (and the look depend on what's turned off).

    So it seams to work properly and is a graphic card issue. Sorry for me crying out ^^.

    But... what's the least needed? Testing...

  13. More of an AI issue than a RM placement issue. With my latest stuffs for Aegis Bot, I believe I could fix that problem.

    FeXoR: I'll check and commit when i'm over with my water commit.


    Glad someone from the AI side said it first ^^. I was about to say the same thing. Still I can (even if only until AIs manage it) write a function that removes all entities outside the playable map area (though this would include all actors as well). That function could be added to any problematic map (but is not called by lats say exportMap(), so optional).

    The functions would overlap in their need with removing trees when walls are placed anyway.

    Will AIs be able to avoid trying to chop trees surrounded by other trees or inside a building, too?

    EDIT: Should be this code (not tested yet, may have the shift like in deep_forest.js):

    function removeAllObjectsOutsideMap()
    var mapRadius = g_Map.size / 2;
    // Remove terrain objects
    for (var x = 0; x < g_map.terrainObjects.length; x++)
    for (var y = 0; y < g_map.terrainObjects[x].length; y++)
    if (isCircularMap())
    var actualRadius = Math.pow((x - mapRadius) * (x - mapRadius) + (y - mapRadius) * (y - mapRadius), 1/2);
    if (actualRadius > g_Map.size)
    g_map.terrainObjects[x][y] = [];
    else if (x > g_Map.size + 1 || y > g_Map.size + 1)
    g_map.terrainObjects[x][y] = [];
    // Remove all other objects
    for (var i = 0; i < g_map.objects.length; i++)
    var x = g_map.objects[i].position.x;
    var y = g_map.objects[i].position.y;
    if (isCircularMap())
    var actualRadius = Math.pow((x - mapRadius) * (x - mapRadius) + (y - mapRadius) * (y - mapRadius), 1/2);
    if (actualRadius > g_Map.size)
    g_map.objects.splice(i, i);
    else if (x > g_Map.size + 1 || y > g_Map.size + 1)
    g_map.objects.splice(i, i);

  14. Fexor was the name of my first pen and paper roll playing character. It came out of a mixture (not quite, I know but that was how it came up) of the Latin words ferox (wild, bold, gallant) since that fitted the characters idiosyncrasy and ferrum (iron, hard, steel) since it was a fighter and a smith. Since I myself are "ferox" and FeXoR has the same letters I decided to take this as my digital name.

  15. The reason is that the trees are placed on the center of the tile (so tile coordinate + 0.5 in x and y direction).

    Fixed the corresponding check and added a comment.

    Now it should be alright.

    Here are the files including the SVN .diff (only one line in the .js changed): http://fexor.dyndns....rest/2012-11-4/

    And a screenshot that seams to indicate it works: http://fexor.dyndns....st2012-11-4.jpg


  16. Good! I was a bit confudes about the block due to "not enough relevance". Would like to know what kind of person did that... a general game hater, a person who distrusts open source or fighting for programmers able to earn their life with "professional" (whatever that would mean) programs? For myself I can't find a good reason but didn't have any problem with the German Wikipedia in the past as well.

    Well, glad the article is there now.

  17. Small "concern": the trees are not centered correctly, it would appear there is a strip around the bottom left "side" of the map where there are no trees

    (the image comes from the AI terrain detection I'm working on, you can see the white strip in the bottom left)


    Nice! I think I know why: I leave a border free of trees to avoid trees are unreachable. I plant all trees in coordinates with integer x/y values. I check the distance to the border with (x*x + y*y)**(1/2). I noticed that a map has NOT getMapSize() tiles but getMapSize() + 1.

    So all the trees would have to be placed (currentX - 0.5, currentY - 0.5).

    I will check this...

  18. It is intended for players to use cavalry for hunting, but i don't think eliminating a feature because the animation doesn't fit well is a good idea.

    True. But that was not the reason for me to post that. It was just an idea that would further derivate the roles to different units (in this case Females are better at Farming while cavalry is extremely good at hunting).

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