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Posts posted by FeXoR

  1. I was referring to triggers like in Warcraft 3. That's hell a lot more powerful and easy to work with than AoK triggers.

    Changing unit stats should be able with triggers, too. That's why I mentioned several times in the past that triggers are so important. They have to be implemented well, powerful and make mods (which tend to be untidy) totally unneeded.

  2. "Im Deutschen Kulturrat haben sich die Verbände der Künstler, der Kultureinrichtungen, der Kulturvereine und der Kulturwirtschaft aller künstlerischen Sparten zusammengeschlossen."

    Translation: "In the "Kulturrat" artist organizations, cultural facilities, cultural clubs/societies and members of the cultural industry are gathered."

    The "Kulturrat" has an advisory function to the government. As far as I can tell it's quite neutral in the sense of "not dominated by one faction" e.g. the industry side.

    However, they have no authority to legislate or judge directly in any sense.

  3. I would do this if we had triggers, dut they are dropped to part 2.

    So until we have triggers (and such maps got easy to make) I think it's not worth the effort.

    So the wise order to do things are 1st implement triggers, then make such awesome maps (Not only this ofc. ^^).

  4. I think we shouldn't place those walls in tiny maps.

    That would be this:



    That does:

    As long as the map does NOT explicitly set the defenses to add for Iberians it adds nothing in tiny maps and walls on non-tiny maps. Explicitly setting Iberians defenses to "walls" overrides the default and so walls will be place for any Iberian player on any map size.

    Example to override default behavior:

    placeCivDefaultEntities(x, y, playerId, BUILDING_ANGlE, {"iberWall": "walls"});

    I think that is best.

    EDIT: I should add the abiltiy to set the radius of the defenses, too. In the map "Snowflake Searocks" for example the radius is to big. That way RMS designers could tweak the iberian walls better. Please let me know when/if the patch is added, Spahbod, so I can add that functionality. THX.

    EDIT2: While you're at it could you please fix the typo I mentioned in http://www.wildfireg...=60#entry257116 Oh!, Already fixed, thx!

  5. looks very funny map, but i asked if works fine because the map Borders and some wall end segments. and obvious put it fauna and flora.

    that i means.


    what happens if this happens xD

    The wall outside the map will slowly fall apart (because the territory border is not expanded beyonf the map border).

    This is a know issue and I put (untested code) for this (removes all objects outside the map border) here: http://www.wildfireg...=40#entry254333

    (See the spoiler)

    A better way IMO would be to just not place the civ default walls for Iberians on maps that don't grand space for it (by the map designer).

  6. On my opinion, that would be going too far.

    I think that people have to learn the history of things and understand that this symbol took place in the world in a peaceful way, long before the atrocities of the nazism. Leaving the svastika exclusively to the nazis would throw away so much History...

    I totally agree. But the bad thing is... we're not alone ^^.

  7. Well, with a comment like: "We value the needs of the victims of Nazism. For those here's the option to turn all content that may be in some brains related to that off." It would at least follow the mind of the law in Germany ^^.

    Still I doubt it would be "bulletproof" in a court.

  8. I fear the svastika is indeed a legal issue in Germany (and may be in other states of central Europe like e.g Austria).

    In the best case the usage will only result in bad publicity (despite there is such thing).

    This could at least be used as a legitimate count of an indictment in Germany (which should be avoided in any case).

    As I said before for me it's not that important but the bad publicity is a valid reason for me as well.

    Just keep in mind that some Jews/Germans get sick just on sight of that symbol.

  9. That means changing several textures already used in completed models...

    After a quick search, I notice the svastika shape as been used since ages and by many different cultures, and in both bending direction : link

    For my part, I think we can leave the symbol as it is, for 2 reasons :

    -it was used that way in India and that should be recognized, especially in a History-careful game

    -the symbol in the game will anyway appear among many others that will dim its visual impact a lot

    OK, just wanted to tell and if it could just be flipped easily it would not be to much work. It would be still a historically correct svastika and would differ more from that of Nazism. But if it is to much trouble and work I'm OK with it.

  10. This thread is meant for discussing the following controversial questions, all pertaining the visual portrayal of the Mauryan civ in 0 A.D.:

    • Will we use Hindu swastikas in 0 A.D.?
    • Will we portray Mauryan warrior women with exposed breasts or with covered breasts?
    • How will we decide on these topics?

    I will be moving posts pertaining these questions from another thread to this thread.

    These are very emotionally charged topics and opinions differ strongly. Still, let's do our best to keep this discussion civil, as it has been so far.

    Aviv / Jeru


    I noticed the "Swastika" on the shields. I personally don't really mind (since such symbols where widely used in history and still are) but some Jews and/or Germans might since it was also the symbol of Nazism. Would it be possible to at least use left bended Swastika or is it known that Mauryans only/mostly use right bended ones?

  11. FeXoR: Nice Idea. Although I'm afraid it won't have enough room if it is played with many players in small maps.

    True and it's buggy on tiny maps with 4+ Players, small maps with 6+ Players and even on medium maps with 8 players:

    post-14196-0-10170900-1354613135_thumb.j post-14196-0-19917800-1354613157_thumb.j post-14196-0-49764300-1354613182_thumb.j

    But for reasonable map size to player ratio it's quite OK:

    post-14196-0-64862100-1354613508_thumb.j post-14196-0-43898200-1354613593_thumb.j post-14196-0-38789700-1354613686_thumb.j

    post-14196-0-97542400-1354613786_thumb.j post-14196-0-78504200-1354613897_thumb.j

    The problem that maps don't work properly/are quite unplayable with to many players on to small maps is quite common for random maps.

    My main concern is that most parts of the wall are to simple IMO. So if anyone has cool ideas plz let me know.

    ATM I'm thinking of adding palisades in front of the main walls...

    BTW: I found a typo in wall_builder.js. Replace:

    wallStyles[style]["defenseTower"] = new WallElement("defenseTower", "structures/" + civ + "_defenseTower", PI, 0, -4*wallScaleByType[style]);


    wallStyles[style]["defenseTower"] = new WallElement("defenseTower", "structures/" + civ + "_defense_tower", PI, 0, -4*wallScaleByType[style]);

    ("_defenseTower" -> "_defense_tower")

    It doesn't effect the official maps but raises an error if that wall element is used in other maps. It would be nice if you could fix that, Spahbod.

    A side note: It feels like the tower upgrade that adds twice the number of arrows for each garrisoned unit is overpowered. Maybe scale it to 1 + ceil(1.5 * numberOfGarrisonedUnits) arrows? That way a tower garrisoned with 5 units (capable of adding arrows to the tower) would have 9 arrows which seams enough (compared to 11 arrow as is now or 7 arrows with the other tower upgrade). So ungarrisoned towers would have more arrows with the other tower upgrade while towers garrisoned with 3 to 5 units have more arrows with the upgrade in question (towers with 1 or 2 garrisoned units would have the same amount of arrows despite the upgrade chosen).

  12. I think ribez is right, me too can only see the top part of the picture. Perhaps it stopped uploading from your PC for some reason. Converting it to JPEG would make it much smaller as an option.

    Like quantumstate asked before it would be nice to have a link to the code itself since this is the most interesting thing in this topic (at least for me).

  13. (I don't have permissions to see the old thread you linked to)

    I like unit build buttons being easy to recognize and to notice the connection between the button icon and the actually trained unit in-game.

    I don't know how high quality the portraits are but maybe they could be added an encyclopedia (like is planed AFAIK)?

  14. Every feature has the risk of not being in the final game, but i think there's no need to discourage the development. You, Pureon and FeXoR, are a bit afraid of the results, not remembering everything can be restored to the original point. I say let Thomas develop it and research about the possible solutions to the problems you say. There is always the problem of time, but you are forgetting that it will be worked upon one way or another, so let someone start it!

    I agree! I just wanted to tell that I "don't see" a way to make it work well especially in the cases it is meant for. I personally find it very frustrating to put quite some work in something just to see it's not added. If I where aware of the possibility that and a concrete reason why my work would NOT be added I could at least mentally prepare for that disappointment. By telling this I want to avoid the big frustration of the contributor in the end though that might mean I discourage him a bit in the first place.

    In many cases I changed my approach (or chose it in the first place because of discussions befor I started the work or even totally abandoned a "feature") because someone else told me about the problems that may arise with an other approach previously preferred by me.

    So at least I for myself find comments to things I'm working on very helpful especially if they unveil problems/issues/flaws I didn't see before.

    I hope my words where not to rude. I'm quite sure I'm not best at that :sorry:.

    (I admire feneur for his ability to say things straight while staying kind (y) )

  15. Yes, it would be nice to have working terrain flattening (for me because it's more realistic and alters the hightmap ingame what I find interesting). But as I said in the ticket its a very bad thing to fix a visual inconvenience by adding a gameplay issue (especially if more code is needed for that). For me it feels like making the game worse by adding code - a very questionable way to go ;).

    Many gameplay features planned for the game at the beginning are not working out yet (at least for me) like formations and stances. That doesn't mean we should abandon them totally but perhaps make them "optional" until they really work out or focus on things driving the game towards beta stage which may include dropping additional things from Part 1 and delay them to Part 2 (like for me advanced naval combat).

    In the first place 0A.D. is a game and the first priority of a game should be to work and make fun. Even better if it doesn't annoy the player with it's behavior (otherwise it's less fun I guess ^^). For me it's much easier to accept inconveniences that occur because something is simple but I really hate things that "try to do it awesome" but in fact make it worse (for me in 0A.D. the non-descrete building placement would be such a thing).

    I noticed that most community members most of the time prefer the "awesome looking" way without having a good solution at their disposal or (even better) a patch to test it. I don't know if all of the community members are aware of this, but adding all this awesome stuff needs time and delays getting to Beta phase longer. I don't say that 0A.D. is not working. Indeed it works quite fine. But there are some very basic (gameplay) features not working well like the unit AI (at least for me) or pathfinding (which is worked hard on AFAIK). Other features vital to an modern RTS game like "attack-move" are not at all implemented, yet.

    So there's already enough work to do and adding "cool stuff" that will raise other complications (and for terrain flattening it's quite clear it will: On steep terrain the edges of the flattened part will get more steep) should be thoroughly thought trough before adding it as the default. Additionally it may effect the pathfinder as well (because it might also change the walkable terrain when applied to steep ground - the case it's meant for ;)) - another piece of code complicated enough already.

    As a conclusion I'd say: thomasf: If you think you can make it work without much pain go for it as long as you keep in mind it may not be seen as the best solution in the end and so might not be added (I have to say for myself I don't see an approach working well in most cases that really fixes the issue but perhaps you do).

    For the building foundations: I think in any case it would be good to have foundations reaching far into the ground. More natural looking foundations might be nice. This should be added to all new work while step by step adding this to the existing models as the art team sees fit.

    For the Hellenic Civil Centre I gave a working solution in the ticket: http://trac.wildfire...t/21#comment:10

    With a natural looking foundation it would work and look well IMO.

  16. OK, thx. My main concerns as "features" for the game is indeed "attack move" and a "non formation" formation that just gives the player given order to all selected units. All other things really improving gameplay are mainly optimization and improvements for me.

  17. My favorite water settings (My hardware can't handle all turned "true", too):

    waterbinormals = true

    waternormals = true
    waterrealdepth = false
    waterfoam = false
    watercoastalwaves = false
    waterrefraction = true
    waterreflection = true
    watershadows = false

    shadows = true

  18. Yes, that's what I thought ^^. VLC is not entirely legal.

    Hm, perhaps XBMC Media Center? It can be compiled with encrypted DVD support (AFAIK the legal issue of VLC) but it's optional so a version without libdvdcss could be legal and GPL licensed.

    That seams to be the only option I can see in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_video_player_software

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