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Posts posted by Guardian

  1. I doubt they could do this alone. Iraqis only began these types of tactics after May 1- after Sadaam's regime fell. I think some outside interference, maybe weapons and bombs have been sent in in larger numbers, along with tacticians to teach them how to fight.

    We'll see...its been very quiet over there for a while..

  2. I got that quote from Kerry while he was campaigning (on TV).

    So, its getting closer- who do you think will win, who do you want to win and what do you think will happen once Bush or Kerry wins?

    Personally I want Kerry to win. Not because I think Kerry would make a good president (maybe he will, who knows?), but because anybody is really better than Bush..even Bin Laden lol.

  3. ^ Best idea I ever heard.

    Rumsfeld is too arrogant- not to say he's incompetent, but don't think he gave/gives one darn about the prisoners until it ruined his reputation. We need someone with some compassion-though compassion that doesn't interfere with duty- and firm control over his department.

  4. True, but they did it to show the Israelis that they have them. I think in a way, for them it was neccessary. Those body parts were worth their very lives...they used them to negotiate an Israeli pull out from the village of Zaitoon or something..

    Israel has been on a rampage..over 30 palestinians killed in 2 days and all of them civilians..or 90% of them. Sad, really.

    Road side bombs and convoy ambushes were never used by Palestinians before- I believe they are gathering Iraqi tactics.

    In truth, I welcome these tactics which give them a chance to strike at military targets..maybe this will finally end their strikes against civilian ones. Infact, I believe if Israeli military casualities escalate the way they're escalating for the U.S. in Iraq, then suicide attacks will decrease as Palestinians realize that they can strike back in other ways.

  5. We can't just assume that the city exists because Plato said so. If the city did exist we would atleast find some proof that it engaged in some sort of trade or diplomacy or we would atleast find prove of its "destruction".

    Ah, I definately do not believe in it. But heck, I used to think Transylvania and Timbuktu didn't exist lol;).

    (Transylvania DOES exist, right?)

  6. Has anyone been catching up on the news? 11 Israeli soldiers dead in 2 days- thats a record for Palestinians! Are they learning from the Iraqis? Road-side bombs, deadly convoy ambushes...

    They've surely expanded- do you think that the same guys orchestrating the insurgency in Iraq are doing so in Palestine as well?

  7. What did I say? All I did was express regret that Scn Network, the great design team, is not designing for my favorite game, Age of Mythology- rather, they are designing for a game who's map editor is very bland- and although the scenarios are good for that game, I just found them not to be of the previous quality of Scn Net. scns.

    Shouldn't you expect any criticism at all?

  8. I love Reverie. Always been a big supporter of the team..for like a year. I'm not too interested in the game's idea itself, but I imagine you would need all the support you can get and so I'll definately be buying it.

    P.S. If you're having any publishing trouble, I do have a variety of contacts who would be interested. Nothing major, but my Uncle makes $500,000 (a year) publishing his software and that isn't too bad a start for Reverie, I guess. I also know a few just-starting publishing companies which have published major so far- and do pay very well.

  9. Alright, if you're out there on the battlefield and its all chaos around you- and Friendly Fire is on, you might just get into one of these situations (always happens to me).

    Cowardly Friends: Just picture it. You run in with your M1 Garand, backed by some 6 American friends. Its bocage, and the enemy lies just beyond the trench. You tell your friends you're going to rush in and lie to the ground while they cover you.

    You run in and, by luck, make it. You're on the ground now and 8 German @#$%s are shooting at you like crazy. Grenades are flying all over the place. Try and get up and you're dead.

    You immediately ask for reinforcments, when suddenly you see your so-called friends running like bloody chickens the other way..leaving you alone to die.

    SOLUTION: Curse your friends to death, than run out with a grenade. If you're lucky you'll get 4 of them with one grenade..heck, you'll die but atleast it was worth it. Next round..get a Tommy for some close quarter action, or just run like a coward with your buddies.

    Team Killer: Alright, picture this. The round started and you're typing something. Someone comes up infront of you, jumps around a bit then aims at you. For a while, all is quiet. What do you do?

    SOLUTION: SHOOT HIM. He's probably going to blast your head off. darn team killers..they deserve to die.

    Loosing: You're loosing in a clan war. Its almost over and you can already picture the humiliation of defeat. They'll make fun of you...laugh at you..argh!

    Solution: ;) :self-bash: :rolleyes::grin:

  10. Ah- Scn Network was great back when Empire Earth and AoK:TC were the designing rage (AoK:TC scns were amazing...).

    I actually miss the old Scn Network, but they're not designing for AoM which is a shame- their Empires Scns are not that impressive- can't blame them due to Empires being a crappy game for designing though.

    Ah well...

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