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Posts posted by Spahbod

  1. A new version of the map, Unknown Nomad, is added to the svn. As the name suggests, in this map you start with only a handful of units. Unfortunately, you can't build CCs in the beginning of the game so it is listed under the "Demo" category of maps until some decision is made about it. To add more difficulties, Atlas will break if you try to "play" this map in it. Nevertheless, it'd be fun to play this when it's ready.


  2. Just have the view map tab as the default?

    That doesn't work. We should change the tab to select an another map.

    Then we could reduce the width of the chat box by a half, move the map description to left and put the options where the map description is, now.

    Remember that this should work on 1024x768. In that resolution, map description shrinks a lot and there won't be enough space for our options.

  3. I think map size should go over to the right as well. And "Number of players" possibly above player name. Thoughts?

    I have had some thought about that and must say that I prefer it. But there are two problems.

    1:People may miss the n. of players box if it is in the top of the page.

    2:Where should we put the more options button then?

    Why not replace the "Map Description" box with the "Game Options" box? The rules take screen real estate priority IMO. We can hide the map descriptions behind a tab. That should keep the screen from being too cluttered, and the description will still be available for those who want it.

    That wont help. Map description box is very short in 1024x768 mode and wont have enough space for options. Not to mention that we'd have more options in future.

  4. I'll get the laptop back in a day or two. It was a pretty old laptop so I couldn't find the spares easily.

    BTW, I Bought a PC. I'm installing the necessary programs so that I can use it from now on. The laptop was giving me so much problems and it was my mom's.

    thanks you, but when are avaible to svn?

    When I get the laptop back, I'll continue to work on it. Hopefully, it would be committed in a week. :)

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  5. While working on this, my laptop suddenly restarted and kept doing so. I checked and found that it is because its cpu fan is not working anymore. Thankfully, the CPU is not damaged. But unfortunately this postpones this a lttile because my brother doesn't let me use his PC very much and he is standing here waiting for me to finish this message to get his computer back. So don't worry.

  6. It's a good start. Can the clients view the options as well or only the host? (The problem if only the host can see them is they have to tell the players what the settings are which is redundant) There's a ticket for this: http://trac.wildfire....com/ticket/812 - please a attach a patch there.

    I haven't tested it but they should be able to at least open the option panel and see what is being changed.

    It would shrink the map description area to the same height as the chat area... And it makes sense to group them anyway.

    Yes. But it doesn't eliminate the need to create a separate options box.

  7. There could be room in the middle if Match Type, Map Filter, and Select map were moved to underneath the map preview image.

    There will certainly be more options and we ultimately, we need a separate option box. So this is just a temporary tweak. Not to mention that those three options beneath the map preview will shrink the description to almost nothing in 1024x768.

    Otherwise, for visual consistency: adding the gold-coloured border around the popup would put it in line with the overall look and feel of the GUI.

    Good idea. :)

    Also: for randomly generated maps, is it already possible to change the amount of resources on the map? For example meagre, normal and rich (amount of mines, wildlife,...) It would be cool if there was a changeable parameter.

    Technically, it is possible. In fact, I have written a code that gives random map makers the ability to create a single dropdown with anything they want. I used it to choose the biome in some random maps. But the general structure of our random maps is more restricted than that. Imagine an anatolian plateau with a lot of trees or an ardenes forest with little forest but a lot of hills. It doesn't make sense. That's why I am making many maps of different properties. To eliminate the need for such options.

    But if you want to experience many possibilities, play "unknown" maps. I have tried to include every possibility I could in those maps.

  8. Amish's barracks is indeed better. But it is too grand for a barracks. Those shields are placeholders until we have some indian ones. The size of the roof can be reduced again. I don't want to add more complexion (balcony, marvelous roof, etc.) to the building or it'll look too grand. In fact it is much easier for me to just reuse the CC because it won't need much 3d modelling or UV mapping. :)

  9. Spahbod, please rewrite the descriptions in other words to avoid plagiarism.

    If you need help, please just say so and the community will help you. (y)

    I would have wrote those descriptions myself if my English was good enough (as you all know, my grammar sucks). I'll rewrite them when I have time but after that they'll need a major cleanup.

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