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Prodigal Son

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Posts posted by Prodigal Son

  1. It's quite normal for a game in (laggy) alpha stage not to have a huge multiplayer community. On top of that we're not in the golden age of RTS anymore, and like others have said when you log in plays a part too.

    I'll strongly agree with av and sanderd on keeping the multiplayer free of buffs and extras that affect gameplay. It's unfair and a recipe for disaster, as AOEO proved (AOE III did it in moderation and was less of a failure, still AOM and especially AOK hold better despite their years). Ranking without buffs is fine ofc, cosmetic trophies and single player content could work as well, thankfully due to the game's direction not as freemium nonsense:p.

    • Like 4
  2. Athenaia would be the correct in modern Greek, it means woman of/who lives in Athens. Athenaike is used for a "female" object and Athenaikos for a "male" object (so Athenaios is the correct one for Athenian male units in a similar fashion).

    The same should be true for ancient Greek, and several Greek names in the game estrange me. But there were various dialects and changes over time and on top of that my ancient Greek were terrible at school, let alone now years later, so I can't be sure on anything.

  3. Good thought, I'll look into it when I have the time and someone to playtest it with.

    Not sure it's a that big of an issue though, since massing one unit type and paying all advancement costs early on will result in weak military and economy, vulnerable to players who scout well enough and are willing to attack when spotting a good opportunity. Also most roman bonuses/techs benefit swordsmen, so training none of them until after the reform will increase the mid-game vulnerability of the strategy you've described.

    (The above Civ info, like all of them, is currently outdated btw).

  4. I'm a bit busy with other things lately and haven't worked on the mod nor checked the update compatibility issues. I will as soon as possible.

    Your fix might work, but it might also change some unit stats, if they are not overridden by other templates.

    If you want to check how the reforms work before I have the time to explain in detail, check the specific templates of the units affected by it and compare them to those from the vanilla game. You'll see the differences in "visible classes" or "classes" and "promotion" fields.

  5. Oh well, I was going to name my Mod ''Ancient Empires''... but seems like I wasn't fast enough :P

    I hope the don't sue me:p. Not that it's some amazing or super-original name anyway.

    That's what we should work on then. Citizen soldiers were of course not directly recruited from the fields in an immediate action. Nevertheless they were drawn in - the more the better, because they were cheap and easily replacable. Farmer's had many children to have less farmwork themselves as hard as that sounds :-(.

    To allow male workers just copy the female template to support_male_citizen...

    Then either look at the corresponding male citizen actor XML and remove the variants you don't like - or just use the citizen soldier actor 'as is' in the copied female template -- because when the simulation not requests certain variants (because females can't fight but flee) then it doesn't matter if they are defined inthe actor XML or not.

    Good luck with this project. It's a lot of work ...

    Any gameplay-related ideas to have a better and realistic function compared to the core game or "my" (classic RTS) idea?

    I'd like to have workers as one unit, but have them spawn with a random sex. This is currently an issue from what I've asked/learned since handling different voices related to different versions of the same actor isn't in the game code yet. So it would cause some females having male voices for example. It will have to wait for the feature implementation, or I might add temporary male workers.

    Thanks for the support, it will be done little by little:)

  6. Indeed, but that will have to wait for the core of the mod to be ready. The changes might seem little because there are not something visible at first sight (like new graphics/models), but it's taken a decent amount of work so far and will need much more.

    Another thought, if/when I get to create single player scenarios/campaigns might be doing them for the core game instead.

  7. That might be possible (I'll have to check/ask) but I'm not sure about it. For now the Gauls can research a mass migration tech which allows them to build anywhere.

    Also Niektb just reminded me of adding extra Civs, were artwork is not needed. If someone edits tents create some variety I might consider adding a nomad civ (possibly Scythians) who will be able to build anywhere by default.

  8. Some Feature Suggestions

    Enable Buildings like Storehouses and farmhouses to be built in neutral territory.

    Maybe for balance, making them build 50% faster would be okay.

    Allow soldiers to build, Acting as a half-way solution between citizen-soldiers and normal RTS Soldiers.

    You mean making them build 50% slower in neutral territory? Either way different construction speeds would need extra versions of those structures, in an already structure-heavy interface. I also think that people would generally gather close to their settlements, not in some faraway land.

    That could work. I'm considering to have it as a Roman specific, possibly for turf walls and army camps only.

  9. OMG.

    Someone else who understands time is a resource!

    I bet there's many more who get it, but yeah it's going to play a part in this mod.

    O dear. ..citizen soldiers just stand around, cannot work/gather. Feels annoying, whole eco done by women. Is this your vision of historical correctness?

    The citizen soldiers are one of the greatest features of 0ad. Changing this is a shot in the knee, imho.

    It's one of the major changes I'm currently working on. I've decided for it, to further differentiate the mod from the core game.

    I completely agree it's a great feature, with many pros, but it also has it's cons. It's realism is debatable. I can see that many workers could double as levy troops, but in any state that would be only a portion of the population. Also, weapons appearing out of nowhere for a working woodcutter for example isn't realistic and moving to a structure to equip isn't implemented (nor desirable gameplay-wise imo). Females as the only workers is only a placeholder, I plan to have males as well.

    It also breaks the early game economic balance if I further differentiate early unit costs, power and train times between civs, which is in the to do list. It makes raiding far less viable since workers can fight back with an equal power to the raiders. I'm also considering to have 1 worker per farm. That would make raiding the farming economy more important since farms will have to be more and more spread out to provide the needed food, and raiding farms was an important asset of warfare. Males will be viable farmers as well, which is also realistic.

    In conclusion I can't say one choice is bad and the other is good, just a different gameplay approach, more realistic at some parts and less at other. Have an open mind till you see it's final form, then judge it:)

    • Like 2
  10. Yeah, it's pretty much still messy, and will be so for a couple of days more until i finish some work on it.

    One idea is to have it represent villages or noble houses/estates (with some tech buffs for elite units as well) if it's shared and not Celt only.

  11. When did you play it? Currently I'm halfway through rebalancing many things, with civs and units at different/inbalanced states. However, more units got an increase on train times than a decrease, and maybe the opposite on resource costs. The goal is having some units spammy and weak, some non-spammy and strong, and some in-between. It's among the things aimed at further unit differentiation, certainly not ready yet though. Early units, especially ranged, tend to be more weak and spammy in general.

    Btw I found a function for your beloved tavern:). Not far from it's original one but it gets a new meaning with houses unable to train workers now. I'm still thinking on if I should let this as a celtic bonus or look for equivalents for other civs as well. The thought is having mini CC-like structures, buildable in owned territory and limited to one, with their limit going up by building extra CCs. It should fit with booming strategies, while the limit, cost and their inability to attack will balance it.

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