You know what would be awesome? Text commands. I don't know about you, but I always preferred using the keyboard over the mouse. In AoE2, the AI commands were terribly unreliable. In 0AD, however, I'd like to not only be able to issue orders to computer allies, but also to your own units. Simple scouting presets, or an order to all barracks/TCs to produce x number of certain troops. You could also set it to say only affect troops in the current screen view, to allow for more precise control. Text commands should naturally be short, because one doesn't have a lot of time for typing in a fast-paced game. One major advantage it would have is that the player doesn't have to go around searching for his buildings and, more importantly, change his view. So he could be controlling his economy, while still keeping a close eye on the battle. Another (perhaps simpler) solution to the problem I see is more advanced minimap filters. In AoE2, you only had normal, econ and military. But how about if you could just display your scouts? Or metal miners?