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Posts posted by SUD

  1. I made new renders for all the figures, so for the older ones just go back in the post pages, I uploaded the new files with the same name.

    The new ones are these:

    Praetorian (jaguar warrior)


    Macedonian phalangite (pikeman)


    Gallic Cavalry (cavalier)


  2. It may not be a perfect solution but there are good ideas there. Leaving all the exploiting of resources in their countries to themselves so they do the heck they want, and not involving in their problems anymore is basic.

    I know it sounds like Berlin but Berlin didnt end bad. When the wall fell the 2 halves of the city united in peace again, and no more separation of blocks would exist. I mentioned that at the end of the post. So, basically, what I wrote is like a quarantine for us and for them, do not take me wrong and think I am talking only about them because we westerners are even worse. Right, we dont deliberately target civilians on wars but we exploit their countries to exhaustion and anger from their part, for example.

    Could anyone think of a solution that doesnt involve blood?

  3. I have one a bit uthopical, a bit fantastic, a bit politically incorrect solution to the terrorist problem, difficult solution but it could work. It's a whole world changing:

    1) Western countries should leave completely alone all non western countries: Arabian, African, Oriental. Leave them all on their own issues. So, military detachments out, western companies out, western colonists out.

    2) Bring down every western symbol in those countries, such as exploiting companies: oil, electricity, telephone etc, give these installations to them, even for free if they cannot pay for them. Of course, forget the external debt.

    3) Do not involve in any internal or external matter of these countries never again. Leave them do their will. If their will harms their own people, we are sorry but that's their problem. If a country is having a severily bad time, then western countries could send them food, medicines and civilian helpers (such as Red Cross) but never military; if sending civilian helpers is not possible because it's dangerous then do not send anything, it's not our fault. If they kill our helpers without reason (no explotation of their countries anymore, no leeching from them anymore; the isolation of our blocks isnt really a reason to hate us) then we do not feel obliged to sacrifice our people in vain.

    4) No oil from Middle East? Well, invert money on renovable energies you dumb western governments arses. As a biologist point of view, one thing people should start realizing is that humans should always use renovable resources, the use of non renovable resources (oil) would be exceptional, it would be only limited while investigating in a hurry other better renovable resources. But today's governments dont realize this and keep exploiting oil until it ends, and once it ends start investigating new resources, that's a very bad politic; I blame BUSH and the oil companies for this. If we inverted more effort of new energy resources we could live without oil, and quite probably we could stop this madness, because oil is a very important reason of all this happening.

    5) There wouldnt be terrorism. Terrorists want exactly what I am saying, they want us to leave them alone, so let's just do that and leave them do whatever they want to do in their own countries, we arent missing anything there. By not troubling these countries anymore terrorists would dissapear, it's unlikely that they would continue operating on western lands because they wouldnt have a reason to fight for, remember that these people are fanatics, they have a very strict reason for fighting/terroryzing: they want us out. Let's do that, we both win.

    6) Israel. Israel is in a hot and peculiar area, as it is half western world and half their's block, all mixed. What to do here? Well, inmediately solve the palestinian problem peacefully, no more tanks and no more bombermen, take out Sharon and his wrong way to solve the conflict. After that: -Israeli: be more flexible and dialogant; -Palestinians: Be less fanatic and mindless and be more cautious/intelligent/dialogant.

    7) Loss of markets ? Well, is that such a huge problem? Empires in older times survived knowing much less world and trade markets than we do; if we lose money I myself would sacrifice a bit of lifestyle and economic power if we could live at peace and without danger forever in time.

    8) Unification as much as possible of western countries. Like the Eurpean Union, but bigger and with more duties, giving the UN infinitely more power by making it the government of the world (ours, at least).

    9) Inmigration. That is a problem. Again, as a biologist point of view, the western countries are going old, in few generations we will be extinct (I am not exagerating), the negative growth of population is very dangerous and governments should take measures. The minimum number of children to get the population stable is 3, and in my country the mean today is 1,5. What do do with inmigration in this hipothetical world? This world divided in 2 blocks would generate a massive amount of inmigrants that we could not handle by any means, so one solution could be , apart of taking measures to increase the natality a bit and mantain the population more stable in time, allowing small groups of inmigrants to go in, make them to adapt to our way of life but maintaining a little independence from their culture. The fact is to try and stop something quite common in my country: Morocco and other inmigrants in the suburbs of cities dealing with drugs, assaults, robs, killing, racism etc , because : a- there is not work (government's fault), b- there is work but they dont want to do it (matter of opinion, but in my opinion it's inmigrants fault), c- they want to keep their way of life so much that they generate problems (muslim girls going to western schools, etc). Also, the fact is to encourage how other kind of inmigrants such as ecuatorians, peruans, chinese and of course some from Morocco, come to work honorably and have a respectful life, as everyone of us would want.

    10) This world I was thinking would be some kind of Cold War but without war risk. It would isolate us in our own business in our own territories, and the same thing to them in their own countries. It would divide the world in 2 or more blocks: ours and theirs, but at least there would be peace, no terrorism and we could spend much less in military and invert the money on social and investigation areas.

    I know this separation would generate poverty in their block, but theirs is a rich land with all the resources needed to survive and even build a world power; if dictators and turmoil regimes keep going there will come a time when civilians will say stop, take the power, and rebuild their countries bringing back prosperity, history says that and it happened several times.

    Time is the best of the medicines, it heals all.

    Problems and issues:

    What if their block threatens us in some way, let's say by invading a frontier city? So, we would recapture it, kill as few as possible occupiers and the prisoners send them back to their homes, but by any means we would retaliate and take vengeance, we would just ignore the affair and reinforce frontiers to prevent it again.

    What if they manage to build nukes and throw one of them on us? That's one thing I dont have a solution, it's too difficult to just say "Hey dont do that again" and not taking military measures. One solution could be to sign all forms of disarm treaties for the present time and for the times coming, hoping both blocks carry out the treaties.

    What if some years after the world is divided there are peace and prosperity in both sides? Then re-open the frontiers and be friends the 2 blocks, quite like the end of the Cold War, but with one important measure: we wont trouble them repeating the errors of the past (mass exploiting of their lands), and they wont trouble us by terroryzing and attacking our people, but living all in peace.

    Sorry for the long post but I think it's worth a read ;)

  4. It's not clear yet, there are many facts that point to ETA and others to islamic terrorism. They keep saying they are investigating in both branches and even the possibility that there is an alliace between them.

    Last reports: 192 dead and 1400 wounded, about 30 of them critical, about to die


  5. I have just heard on TV that the police have found a van with detonators and verses from the Coran, and that a islamic newspaper claimed that Al-Qaeda reinvindicates the attack.

    Maybe ETA and Al-Qaeda worked together because until now ETA never (I think) aimed to civilian mass killing but to 'legitimate' targets, as Sukkit already said. The mass killing is signature of you know who.

  6. 180 dead and 1000 wounded in the 3 train stations the last I heard, this has to be the second largest terrorist attack in a western country. I am Spanish, I am student, I catch the train and bus quite often, almost everyday, I didnt die today because I live far from Madrid but the things the people that died were doing when the 3 bombs exploded I do them everyday. These killers, maniacs, scum, call them whatever you want, attacked normal citizens, people like me that were going to class or to work, it wasnt a police patrol or military like other times in the past, it was just kill for the insane pleasure of killing innocents. And they have gone too far.

    The difference with islamic terrorism is that they are even worse, because they are cowards, they dont have the balls to even inmolate themselves in the action. I hope the current governement or the one that comes after Sunday (elections) takes hard measures against them. Sincerely, I would apply the death penalty against them if it wasnt abolished, I hope there is a special time for this because this is like war. You Americans: Remember your feelings on 11-S 2001 : Same thing.

    What would you do with Mohamed Atta and the other pilots if they didnt die and you had them imprisoned? What would you do to Osama?

  7. Hi guys, I have tried the program Wijit said but it didnt work :P

    I desperately need a program to extract the extra content (photos) from the Two Towers DVD! I tried like 5 or 6 different screen capturers and none worked. Help plz :P

  8. I used to be without antivirus since I have a computer (1998) , I used common sense and I never got infected but now common sense is useful no more.

    Some months ago (Wijit may remember because I was talking with him at that moment) I discovered 3 different virus in all the exe files in my comp, all parasites and trojans, and the origin was file sharing programs. I cleaned my comp with Norton 2004 and since then I use it.

  9. Hi people, I wonder if you could help me with a little problem. It seems like it's easy and dumb thing but ... well, the problem is:

    I extract a wav file from a video, let's say like 10 seconds of audio, and the size is like 800KB. I want to compress it to much less without losing a lot of quality, (I know it's possible) but, how? When I resample it with Sound Forge to less Hz it loses size but not much, I want to make it lose more KB :woot: . Any sound guru around?

    I use Sound Forge 4.5 and Windows recorder to do resampling, maybe it's the wrong software?

    In case you are wondering what I am doing, I am extracting sounds to put later in AOK, and I dont want the download to be huge when I am done ^_^

    Second thing...what program do you use to extract pictures from Dvd's (photos in galleries and such) ?

    Thx ^_^

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