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Posts posted by Swellick

  1. LOL, looks like you all are going to get an F. wonder he has the least worst F? I guess I made them too hard. I know only about half of them. the others I've got to look up... so if you get half you'll get an A. LOL

  2. ;) OK ppl, I started a thread wondering about how much you bloaks knew about WWII. :D seems like you know alot... but - TEST TIME. The dude with the highest score wins and recieves... a reputation point, and 40 currency. THERE SHALL BE NO INTERNET SEARCHES, AND THE USE OF BOOKS IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. I will think up the hardest questions I can think of on WWII, and then i'll look them up - just to make sure i got them right. I'll release the answers in a day or 2. OK SO HERE WE GO ;)

    1. What was the first experimental jet of WWII, and who was it's maker?

    2. Hitler tried to make it look like the Poles had attacked Germany. How was this done?

    3. The STEN gun was a famous and widely used British made gun of WWII. What does STEN mean?

    4. What was the last German Victory in the eastern front?

    5. Who was the commanding general that lead Italy's troops into Egypt against the British in 1940?

    6. What was the U.S.'s largest amphibous landing in U.S. history?

    7. How much territory did General Patton liberate with the Third army in just a month after taking command?

    8. How many Russian planes did the Lutwaffe destroy on the first day of Operation Barbarossa?

    9. How many tanks did France have when they were invaded by Germany?

    10. Who lead the American project to build a nuclear bomb?

    11. What type of plane was General Yammamoto flying in when it was shot down by American P-38's?

    12. How many Russians were placed in the Kursk salient to counter the anticipated German assult of 900,000 men?

    13. British 'Chindits' were named that because of what?

    14. Rangers were a special U.S. assult unit modeled after what?

    15. The German tank that never left the experimental stage called the Maus (Mouse) had armour how many inches thick on the front?

    16. How many German tanks were origionally placed in the Afrika Korps?

    17. General Von Pausser surrendered to Soviet forces at Stalingrad when he ran out of what?

    18. In the Polish rebellion in Warsaw, how many Poles were taken prisioner when they finnaly surrendered?

    19. Who was the first western general to cross the Rhine?

    20. Who was the Greatest ACE of WWII?

  3. 3 billions axis men in Russia over a total just above 5 billions

    I think he means 'millions'...

    Well now, we've heard alot about politics... the Euro war. How about the Pacific?

    It was pretty amazing that the Jap-held islands ever fell. We would just hop islands left and right till we got to the big ones. The fortunate thing for our boys was the crapola Japanese weapons, LOL.. They were all warring 14th century style, while the U.S. was warring as modern as possible. But, they did have the Britons on the run. simply amazing how they captured Singapore... and they pressed them all over the U.K. far eastern empire.

  4. By the way, do you know that there were more British troops killed in Europe during WW2 than American troops ...

    ... just proves that GI's are better than Tommies... LOL

    I need to clarify somthing... when I said the U.s. was drug into the Euro war... let me explain.

    Churchill was visiting the U.S. when he heard of the fall of Tobruk in Africa. Tobruk was a powerful base for the Britions; losing was very bad for them in strategic, political (with Russia), and morale. At that point, the U.K. was at its lowest. So... Roosvelt was with Churchill when the news came.

    Roosvelt said: "What can I do to help?"

    In less than a week we were sending more planes, supplies, and tanks than ever before. And it was only a matter of time before U.S. troops were landed on African beaches.

  5. I believe we all know what would've happened if the Nazis won the war, with or without reading a book (which I have btw)...

    as to sweet stuff... I absolutly agree with you. I was talking about technological advances far ahead of their time, " sweet ". Heck, the germans were flying jets BEFORE they attacked Poland.

  6. I have never played Close Combat games... they sound interesting though. As to WFG creating one, it still seems that it's a tie between yes and no. YET there are 5 votes for maybe.... rather confusing. It looks highly contraversial. So, I have 2 suggestions ( it's already been discussed... sort-of)

    1. How about WFG finishes one of it's projects and then invests the manpower from that game into a seriously awesome WWII RTS game.

    2. Begin the WWII project now... the project wouldn't start in earnest for a few months. during that time there would be a web page for it, and the begining of some ideas - basicly a side project for the time being.

    Personally I feel that it would greatly increase the growth of WFG. Why? Because lots of ppl are interested in WWII, think how many games include it... think about all the books in the library about WWII... WWII is a popular subject. So, I feel that you would have no trouble finding ppl to work on the project. That's just my opinion...

  7. Give us a couple BO, and anyone else that wants to. BUT ONLY 2.

    Here are my 2.

    supply: If a unit is not in supply he gradually loses HP. He is supplied by being inside the proximity of a Town center (tile range of 20 in every direction), supply cart (range of 5,) , or very close to natural reasources such as berry trees and animals. Units don't cost food, only gold. Food is deducted - 2 per 1 pop every 20 seconds. so if you have a pop of 200 ppl in supply, 400 food deducted every 20 seconds - In 1 min that's 1200 food. Food would have to be recieved faster too!

    Good Ground: If a guy is fighting in a particular tile (such as on a hill or in a destroyed blding) he lives longer. there would be 4 types: flat, high, rubble, and forest.

  8. You forget, the German/British air war over England was the begining of an invasion of Britain. The Nazi plan was to elimnate the RAF and nutrialize the Royal Navy with the luftwaffe while the army came across the channel. The Germans simply couldn't walk across the water...

    The US was drug into the European front for political reasons. But they nearly left the war when Britian wouldn't invade France in 1942, so the US, UK and USSR made an agreement to attack Italy, and in 1944 assult the germans in France.

    As to the what-ifs, we will never know...

    Oh and 2 other things, the germans were working on pretty sweet stuff... God only knows what would've happened if they had finished everything. also, german military planners were going to start the blitz in 1945, when their fleet was ready, but they didn't do to Hitlers dream of becoming the Modern Napoleon, he was afraid of becoming too old...

    1 final thing, there were enough armies to stop us in France, but they were poorly deployed...

    WWII is amazing... and terrible

  9. Yo tim, never really completely left, I pop in every other month - or so.

    Pretty interesting feedback ppl...

    btw I find that the depth of WWII is the amazing part of it all, think about it... In only 12 years Germany recovered (discounting the revolutionary periods), and in 2 years had the entire contient of europe in her grasp with, Britain fighting for her life, and Russia at the verge of defeat... and in the ensuing years until 1945 the Germans painfully lost all. Amazing

  10. All good points, and I wasn't saying right away. Nor was I saying exacting detail... that would be a horrible - games would last for weeks on end. But I do hope that trains, better units, etc... get implimented into future WWII games. Also, I was talking RTS - not FPS - FPS is more accurate in their own way, though it's very difficult to compare the two styles... Looks like a tie, who will break it?

  11. Hey yall!

    I've been doing a massive WWII research paper for school and I realized how much RTS games lack. (examples from Empires:DOTMW) Think about it, a guy shoots a range of 5 or 6, but a panzer shoots the same?! There are NO trains; absolutly no supply. People revert completely to mechanized warfare. Oh, and no industry. ;) Get my drift?

    So, has WFG ever considered making a true WWII RTS game?

    If not, let's talk. :)

  12. Hey Yall! Long time no see...

    Well I just came up with an awesome defence system. Here's how it works: you have 10 levels of defence, all buildings can be defended, there are 2 types of defence - Military and Home - Military, any military building can defend itself better than home - walls, towers, barracks, stables, etc. Home, cheaper and easier - all economic buildings. Levels of defence, take a tower, for example, when you click on the tower it will show attack, range, HP, but there will be a level button, this button shows its level. If you click this button it will upgrade the level of defence for a price: stronger HP, greater garrison level, and different graphic. Defencive stuctures are worthless until they are garrisoned, garrisoning does not count toward your pop. You see, the level system starts out, garrison 5 and ends up garrison 30 - making an impossible defence, but this is kept in check beacause of the enomous price by that time, and that would be only 1. At level 10, a tower is called a castle, the most powerful Military building, trains several types of units. Another thing this does, is take a basic town centre, equivalent of a settlement in Empires, if this building reaches level 10 defence, it becomes what is called a citadel - the most powerful military or enconomic building, garrison 40, it trains citizens, and 1 infanty, cavalry and artillary type - self sufficiant.

  13. I think you have it code! It makes perfect sence:

    1. Why would Empires not work, unless the ram is not working...

    2. That would cause a lot of errors, without access to memory how could it do anything properly?

    3. Note: this is just a thought. 2 Months ago, I happened to install gmax... since 3D editing programs take up ram...

    4. Sometimes it is easier to figure out what the problem is NOT rather than to figure out what the problem IS. Ah ha... cleaned PC, temperature test, reinstalled programs.... etc... etc... etc...

    How do you run a torture test?

    Lastly, I am already saving up for more ram... so that might fix the problem anyway.

    GREAT, this is the first lead that has made good sence

  14. My motherboard temp jumps around alot. It's at -4 right now, a minute ago it was -19, and 10 minutes ago it was at -96.

    CPU - 100.4

    AUX 1 - 125.6

    Are those temps good? Is the jumping a problem? If so, then what. BTW it is beeping...

    Look, it just went up to 6

    Oh and this in in Feirinhight (sp?)

    Good gosh, just went down to -157

  15. 117! :)

    We also compared your answers with others who have taken the test, and according to the sorts of questions you got correct, we can tell your Intellectual Type is a Precision Processor.

    This means you're exceptionally good at discovering quick solutions to problems, especially ones that involve math or logic. You're also resourceful and able to think on your feet. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.

    THAT IS AMAZING, that is EXACTLY my.... Intellectual personality. Wild!

    There was 1 question that was a mistake. The one that you were supposed to figure out the jumbled words... ENGLAND, okay, in the first place England is a province of the UK, in the second place, there is a city called England in Texas. So I outsmarted them. LOL!

    Lastly, I don't thinkt that an IQ is very good, they didn't even touch on my computer skill, piano skill, crafting skill, living skill, hunting skill, resposibility skill...etc :-(

  16. I have a big problem - look at all my other problems I have posted here, and then you'll get an idea... I have been having LOTS of errors, the things I have posted here are part of that, I get an average of 5 a day. :) That is an avarage some days, it can go up to 20 other days, none. I get a lot of crashes as well... and Empires has brought this to a head. I have the system to run it, but something somewhere is doing bad stuff to my computer. I have all the XP updates, I don't run 3rd party hardware or software. This has been going on for 2 months. I have cleaned my PC, I have, god forbid, virus scanned, used a VERY selective startup. I am about to use system restore! I have no other ideas :) , PLEASE ADVISE. :-(

  17. How do I know which ones that I don't want, other than the ovbvious ones? Footprints are in Empires, but you can't turn them off. The thing that really baffles me is that I have a system that is supposed to handle Empires... I contacted Emachines, and they said to tune up my PC, and the gave me a list of how to do it. I did it, and now the lagg starts a 300 units, but it is still lagging. And I want to play 1000 units...

  18. I am :)! I turn the graphics as high as they'll go (Highest shadows, reflections super high resolution...)

    ... I turn the grapics LOW as the'll go(Low res, crappy animation, no refletion...) NOTHING same dang lag for the highest, AND the lowest. It doesn't make any sence. ARGGGGGG :)

    Naz - what do you mean "backround programs" ?

    I don't run any other programs while I am playing E.

  19. I wasn't talking about MP, I like playing against a computer better than a person. The lagg is happening in single player - not Multi-Player. Maybe lagg is not the right word, but that's the way it acts.

  20. Me and a Friend are sharing Empires Dawn of the Modern World (Empires) :) , but something wierd has happend - it laggs after 200, or so, units are on the map; After 400 units are created the lagging is unbearable. Problem: My system MORE than meets the reqs:

    AMD Athalon 2200+

    256 SDRAM

    RADEON 9200 Video Board

    Advance AC'97 Audio 5.1

    48x CD R/W

    60 Gig HD at 5400 RPM

    Those are my specs. I don't get it they MORE than out do the requirements...

    By the way, I am currently just playing the MP demo - until me and my friend get together. I think that it would affect both(demo, and full) equally though.

    Also, I have the graphics set on the highest level.

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