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Posts posted by Swellick

  1. Glad you like it! No, you wouldn't play against anymore players than normal. It would take a special AI script for you opponents to be able to attack, and run, several maps. Yes, there should be portals from map to map: In each corner, and center edges are portals to the next map over - if a unit walks within 5 tiles of these portals he is transfered to the other map. Confused?

  2. I haven't read ALL the suggestions, so I hope I'm not just repeating another suggestion.

    I have a mapping idea for absolutly EPIC size: In the bottom UI there would be two mini maps one would be deemed "world map" the other "state map". For every random map game several random maps would be rendered. When you click on the world map you would be redirected to a screen that reveals the entire map(equevilant of 6 gigantic random maps) no units can be seen on this level, only the boarders of the 6 random maps. when you click inside the boarders of one of the random maps(state map), you are then directed to that maps screen. Naturaly this means serios microminding, but each map, when you leave, will have a governor automaticly(AI) in command, when he is being attacked he will send you a chat message, saying wether or not his cohorts can handle the invasion(autocalced sum).


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