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  1. Thanks!! I can't wait to try the new faction
  2. I can't wait! When will it be released, I know on the main page it says the next few days, so hopefully this weekend?
  3. It seems to be a quickly/poorly made trainer, but I still find it fun if you can get it to work, some times it works for me then it doesn't, I found the first time it doesn't work, but if I exit the game and start again it works. Only will work in Matches>Random game Start the trainer, start the game, Single Player>Matches>Random and leave all the settings as default it seems to work. I will email the site and hopefully they will change it
  4. I didn't make this trainer but it's has proved very useful for me http://www.gamepatchplanet.com/game.php?name=0_ad Im only using it to get resources quicker because it has the +10000 for each resource
  5. Haven't you played Cossacks or American Conquest? You can have 16,000 units on a map at once.
  6. Flattening of the terrain is a great idea, and makes sense if you are building on uneven terrain, I guess it's how you go about it, not sure if you remember the Populous game series from years ago, it's a classic game, when you build a hut (or any building for that matter) if the terrain is uneven, the villager/peasant would jump up and down in the spot that needed flattening and the terrain would gradually lower to match the level of the surrounding terrain, was quite a cool thing to watch.
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