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  1. Model looks nice... but is technically complete crap (waaay to much poly's and stuff) I'm going to redo it completely, for another game, and I guess that's the model 0ad needs too I don't know yet when I start with it.
  2. *sigh* 01: The Great Pyramid of Giza 02: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon 03: The Statue of Zeus at Olympia 04: The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 05: The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus 06: The Colossus of Rhodes 07: The Lighthouse of Alexandria
  3. Welcome back Boris! Can't wait to hear some new work from you
  4. To scale would rule It's gonna be a very accurate game so make those ships realistic please. Why not use 3 zoom levels like in Anno1503 (1503 AD in USA)? That would make the game perfect (anyway, offtopic)
  5. Errr... aren't the buildings 2d? (thus impossible)
  6. Win98 here, not Win98 SE, but that's what I had to vote huh?
  7. Germans, duuh Axes & Bear amor rule
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