Hey, So I am new to Blender although I have some background in Computer Science and computer use in general. I am currently trying to work on this ticket 1017 but I am quite stuck in the abyss that is Blender. Just wondering if anyone was willing to chat with me about the exact steps I'll need to complete this task (we can chat in the IRC if we set a date to do it). I generally learn things pretty slow, hence me asking for help here despite having watched a ton of tutorials about Blender and whatnot. Please only offer help if you are willing to, as I don't want to waste any ones time with this since its not a very important fix for the game (that's the very reason I am working on it, since I can fight with it for a couple months ). I think I have harassed bruno, philip, and feneur about this to some extent, but I don't want to bother them anymore. I guess I should also say that I am NOT looking to become an expert in blender since I am by no means an artist; rather, I want to just worth with the existing stuff and try to tackle the ticket above. I think philip's idea of making the tree rotate 90 degrees might work since from what I understand its kind of like "cropping" (so to speak, since you can't just do that) the tree right above the bottom (to leave part for a stump) then you just gotta do some magic with a falling sequence/animation of some kind. Try to keep your answers to ones that you can help me directly please (i.e. posting links to blender tutorials probably won't help since my head might explode ). Appreciate any help for my nooby self though.