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  1. It's quite normal for a game in (laggy) alpha stage not to have a huge multiplayer community. On top of that we're not in the golden age of RTS anymore, and like others have said when you log in plays a part too. I'll strongly agree with av and sanderd on keeping the multiplayer free of buffs and extras that affect gameplay. It's unfair and a recipe for disaster, as AOEO proved (AOE III did it in moderation and was less of a failure, still AOM and especially AOK hold better despite their years). Ranking without buffs is fine ofc, cosmetic trophies and single player content could work as well, thankfully due to the game's direction not as freemium nonsense:p.
    4 points
  2. I guess it never hurts to give it a shot... Khmer Empire (Kambujadesa Empire) (802 AD - 1431AD) I always have the feeling that Southeast Asia is underrepresented in RTS (and video game in general), which is a shame, because this region has a very rich culture(s) , a unique blend of Indian, Chinese, Islamic (and later, Europeans) influence, and a political system unique to its own. I also think Part 2 of Millennium Mod could be a great place to include a faction/civilization or two from Southeast Asia, because at this time frame the region is relatively unified under the powerful Khmer Empire (and Srivijaya, but that's another story). The Khmer Empire at its greatest extent is as large as the Carolingian Empire at its highest point, so it is certainly not some unknown backwater kingdom. Gameplay: Swarm tactic, ambush, skirmishing, hit-and-run, late game elephant rush and lightweight siege weapon. The hot yet humid climate of the Southeast Asia region greatly limits the practicality of armours. A lightly clad Khmer warrior, no matter how skilled, is not expected to go toe-to-toe against...lets say a crusader knight clad in hauberk and surcoat. This does not mean the Khmer army was weak, though (and they do have some armour). Civ Trait: Tropical Civilization: Forest environments are inherently unsuitable for the development of large civilizations, as doing so require extensively modifying the environment. The fact that Khmers managed to carve up a large empire in this inhospitable region is a testament of their architectural and engineering capabilities. - The Khmers can cut down trees (harvesting wood) like no others. - Bonus to building hit point. -No corral: Heavily forested environments are also not very suitable for the development of livestock industry (and hot climate certainly is unsuitable for sheep!), Hinduism also forbid the consumption of cow. The Khmer did raise cattles and pigs, but usually not on very large scale. This civilization does not have 'corral' building. Instead, smaller livestock (chicken and the like) can be produced directly from the 'house' building. Harvesting chicken should be less cost-effective than sheep though. Agrarian Empire: Khmer Empire was practically build on rice. Most of its citizens were farmer. - Instead of female citizen, Khmer male have Gathering bonus in farming and fishing. Civ Bonus: *Quad-annual harvest: While rice is normally an annual plant, in tropical region rice can be perennal (harvested twice a year). In Khmer empire however, they harvest three to four times a year. Khmer farms churn out food three times as fast as normal farm (four times with upgrade). *Elephant Roundup: Able to capture 'Gaia' Elephant. Civ Disadvantage: * Little to no armoured unit. * Weak cavalry * Very, very poor navy. Unique Tech *Baray : Unique semi-wonder building. An artificial water reservoir that provides bonus to surrounding farms, as well as a healing aura. Only two can be built.
    2 points
  3. The lag is the real and principal problem, thats the real reason why people leave the game , without a fluid game the rankeds would not be fair.
    2 points
  4. Currently, no standard version is available (the first one will probably come with Alpha 18 19), but you can get the current work in progress one following the instructions bellow. To install the mod: Get a working installation of the SVN version of the game.Follow this link.Click on "download zip" (at the bottom right).Unzip it into binary/data/mods of your SVN installation.To keep track of changes without having to re-download the mod every time, you can follow this guide. (You need an account, cloning the directory and then sync to automatically get updates)Keep in mind that the mod is far from done. Many concepts are partial, balance isn't ready yet and bugs exist. The mod might even be unplayable until fixed if SVN updates break something. Known Issues: - Using the in game Structure Tree will result in an error (no crush though). According to Leper this is a strange issue on the engine's end, so nothing I can fix now.
    1 point
  5. War Elephants I War Elephants II New Archers New Skirmishers Cataphracts Elite Hoplites Roman Melee Infantry Macedonian Unique Units Pikemen
    1 point
  6. Hi Fabricius, you're correct indeed. I think I remember somebody already reporting that mistake (unless it was for Spartan women, can't remember). I'm going to go through the Greek names and see what can be fixed I'll keep you updated!
    1 point
  7. Personally I dont like to register for playing via lobby (anonymous access possible in the future). I use the IP address to connect with my friends to play 0.A.D. Hopefully more performance patches are in soon. I play mostly only one game, because it take very long while stuttering every few seconds for 1 second in late game (>= 100 unity/team).
    1 point
  8. I originally disliked this topic because there's no point in talking about 0BC if we can't see what it is (understand, play it). Now I also dislike it because people think they understand thermodynamics, which is a field even more prone to stupid interpretations than quantum physics is.
    1 point
  9. He's in the Alpha 18 lobby, though not for more than 30 seconds most of the time. Also mostly quite early during the day when there's less activity. Staying in the lobby instead of joining, seeing no game waiting for players and leaving might help.
    1 point
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