Hey Tobi that's a nice start! My suggestions are: -----General - This building is going to be a wonder, don't be afraid of polycount, go for some good looking detail. - It'll be very useful to import a wonder or the big pyramid of the game into blender, so you can have a reference of the scaling in relation with the game world and the max footprint size. - As the above suggestion, importing a unit mesh will help you to control the scale of stair steps, windows, doors etc. -----Specific - At first impression it looks a little bit small, judging by the space between the columns. - Go for a wider staircase like the reference in your 2nd post, later in the road you can put two free standing columns at the entrance of the staircase like in the reference, it'll look nice. - If you want to save work&time, you can use some existing geometry for the columns: The macedonian building set have columns with corinthian capitels and basis already done, you'll just need to remap with the roman texture. Here's a helper if you want to do it from scratch by yourself: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/53/Schema_Saeulenordnungen.jpg - The angle of your render may be deceiving, but it looks like it should have a more squarish plant instead of a rectangle, but as I said it may be the angle. I'm going to repeat myself, but learning how to import/export 0AD assets to is a must if you want to test them out in-game and being able to reuse geometry and assets. The introduction of this post describes the steps to import the .dae assets into blender: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17542 Don't hesitate to ask any questions and doubts you may have about the engine and/or import/export process as well as blender help if you need it!