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  1. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1967 Modeling an Oryx. It's a big to high poly this time, (currently 850 triangles). I was aiming for 700, like specified in the art document, but there is plenty of regions that could be simplified, but I figured I'd finish this model first before tweaking it for 0AD I've been rigging it up to see how it looks (but it's not quite finished). Here is a sample
    2 points
  2. Since the pc at my workplace has been changed and cannot handle the shields hipoly sculpts... I entertained myself this afternoon giving a try at texturing the Oryx. Sources: http://commons.wikim...ryx_beisa_1.jpg http://commons.wikim...ntelope_new.jpg 1024 texture: oryx texture.zip
    2 points
  3. I stayed at 838 triangles in the end. Next animal model is up for a vote i guess. I'm thinking Ostrich, or maybe crocodile (if so, exactly which subspecies should I model it after?) oryx.zip
    2 points
  4. Today's progress report on the custom layout engine: -) Improved font-face loading: Before I had to re-load a TrueType font file every time I needed a specific style and size font. Now it's optimized to work as it should - by using a single TrueType face and processing it through specified sizes. Of course, it required quite a lot of structural change again, but in the end, the 'API' is a lot easier to use: FontFace* face = new FontFace("fonts/veronascript.ttf"); Font* font = face->CreateFont(48, FONT_STROKE, 3.0f, 96); // fontHeight, style, outlineParam, dpi Text* text = font->CreateText(L"Hello text!"); // ... render text -) DPI awareness: With a multitude of different DPI settings out there, it was logical to make the font system DPI-aware. In this case, if the user has changed the default system DPI value, the fonts will be rendered accordingly. Increasing the DPI values will make the text look bigger (and thus more readable). I should emphasize again, that the DPI setting itself is a system-wide property and is changed by the user to make the system text bigger. The default DPI value in windows is 96.Here's a sample with DPI 108: -) What's still left to do: Implement embolden, slanting, underline, strikethrough. Improve the naive shelf-packing algorithm to achieve better texture space usage. (performance) Buffer all static text into a single Vertex Buffer Object, render by offset into buffer. (performance) Implement this beast into 0 A.D.
    1 point
  5. I think we already model-swap airplanes between air and ground mode. I would suggest adding an "multiterrain" component of some sort that would specify how to handle air-land, land-water or air-water transitions (same model? What template animated transition?)
    1 point
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