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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2013-02-07 in all areas

  1. Those plates appear to have different colors because of the specular light reflected (except the golden ones). Making each plate looking different will destroy the effect of looking like metal at normal camera distance. And the texture with the grunge you added with greens just don't look natural. I think you're worrying too much for some detail that's not going to be visible unless you play with maxed zoom. Back to the howdah topic... I took another run through the whole mauryan civ thread and found this interesting image posted by lilstewie I think it looks more "heroish" than a normal umbrella Here's a preview of the non-textured howdah model I'm working on:
    2 points
  2. Howdah final edition? Tattos final edition? (maybe I could try painting some white parts also but idk)
    1 point
  3. Thanks Enrique. I added 2 swords and 2 shields.
    1 point
  4. Yes that's definitely an option I fixed the odd face and added/corrected texture shadows to add depth to the turbans and wraps. Please note: Units will never appear at this size in-game - so don't comment on the low-res textures or blocky models
    1 point
  5. Ok! Made a couple of changes, added sails - 1 triangular and 1 rectangle and barrels n crates. At the moment a little above the polycount at 1710 tris. I'm using Maya but have Max as well (never use it!), if I were to fill out the model with barrels and crates etc using the propping plugin would this add to the main polycount? I think it needs a bit more 'clutter' personally so if I can reduce the polycount this way it would go a long way to help. What do you think?
    1 point
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