I found the tooltips to be quite confusing as a new player, they're also pretty huge; so much blank space! The information which is of most use is definitely the cost, followed by counters/is countered by. Stats are only of use to more experienced players, and we can possibly assume that a)they're not going to factor in in-game decision making, and b)experienced players won't need things spelt out for them. I'd suggest something the following: Qeset (Mauritanian Archer) [F]50. . . [W]40. . . [P]1 Health: 90 . . . Armour: 3/2/3 Attack: 20r . . . Speed: 8.5/22.25 + Swordsmen(2x), Cav. Spearmen(1.5x) - Cav. Swordsmen, Cav. Skirmishers Grouping unit costs with the name allows new players to instantly see unit cost without spending precious seconds searching around the tooltip. 'Cost' marker is not needed as it's quite obvious when we have the icons, and stops the tooltip looking like a long list of stats Huge bit of blank space follows health. Armour is also a defensive stat so no reason they can't be shared. Hack pierce and crush will mean nothing to new players; who are better off looking at the counter/countered by section, so might aswell save the space and group them together. "Ranged attack" is too long. I think everybody knows that archers have ranged attacks. Unless there are plans for 2 types of attack by archers in the future? As a new player, I'm not sure of diff. in-game between walk and run, and even if I did, it wouldn't factor in my in-game decision making. Finally, counters and countered by is very wordy. A plus and minus, accompanied with red and green font does the same job much clearer. "vs." takes up too much space, and seperates the information too much; making it unclear. Where can I find the code relating to this stuff? I'd love to give it a look over and play around with it a bit.