If you follow the Trac timeline, you'll see ever so often someone will come by and fire off about a dozen new tickets. Often they are duplicates or feature suggestions better discussed on the forum, so we give a reason and close the ticket. I promise it's a painless process for the ticket creator, we don't make a spectacle out of them Our response time is pretty good, better than most open source projects, from what I've seen we get around to them the same day or next day at latest (there are many hidden eyes viewing every Trac update) I wouldn't assume that just because something is posted on the forum, IRC, or anywhere else, somebody else will create a ticket for it later. It's better to take the initiative, you might almost say it's the reporter's responsibility to do so, if they find a problem they want fixed, shouldn't they take the time to do it through the preferred channel? (You might wonder why I don't just create one myself, but I like to encourage others instead of only complaining about something that's wrong which happens constantly and is quickly forgotten, to create a Trac ticket instead, creating a document of the report and allowing much better control over task assignment, organization, attaching patches, cross referencing tickets, referencing in SVN commits, etc. It's a good habit to get into IMO)