Hello Jeru, Yes, our school is private, but it is not particularly selective-- you need to pass an entrance exam (SSAT-- more information at http://www.ssat.org/ssat/info/home.html) and write out an application complete with recommendations from parents, teachers, and extra-curricular activity coordinators to get in. Most students don't need to be motivated to learn the languages-- a fair number of them have already had prior knowledge of Latin or Ancient Greek and place into a Sophomore or even Junior level class in Freshman year! Also, there is almost no limit to learning in most fields at my high school because it is affiliated with Boston University, a major research university. We eat and study at BU-- This summer I might take a course in basic Middle Egyptian (the language of the Ancient Egyptian Middle Kingdom). There are many classes to choose from, so those who enjoyed the classics in Freshman and Sophomore years often continue to study them at BU in Junior and Senior year. For more information, see our official website: http://www.bu.edu/academy/ If anyone else has questions about the Academy, please feel free to ask me via PM. Thanks for asking! Jason