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First Look into the a new MAC favorite


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For years I have been looking for an RTS that works with my mac computer, and this is EXACTLY what I have been looking for. Love the game, and can see it expand tremendously.

I have a couple far out ideas I would love to hear discussion about.

- Flora and Fauna surrounding waterbeds

- Better Balance of the Difficulty sys.

- Falling trees animation

- Buildings can change depending on the age (Town, City, so forth)

- Taller Palaces (I want to be scared when I see a Palace not get confused with another building)

- Feeding grounds for live stock to keep them from roaming away

- Personal Civilization where you can customize the look of your soldiers and Hero, and style of your buildings. 

- More team color options

- Road formation between two adjacent buildings in a determined length

- Variety of Statues for different groups so the same one isn't being built. 

- Bridges

- Hero's have a glow to them to better define them on the battle field



I have many more topics to discuss but These should be a good starting point. 




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