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Everything posted by Romulus

  1. Hmm, it might be that a general description of the Council and what it is doing is required. That can be easily added That is very nicely worded. Very nice. You pretty much basically covered the description already. If you still want to add one though, it can just be something like, "0 A.D. Council of Modders Mod team dedicated to the RTS game 0 A.D. aimed at promoting, contribution and created to ensure it's survival. Where RTS dreams come true!"
  2. Things are starting to take shape. Can someone that's free, take care of our recruitment post promotion? Lion.Kanzen has a lot to do as it is, I'm sure someone wouldn't mind He can always modify it at a later stage, seen as though he is our marketing agent as well.
  3. Done, I forgot to add collaborators
  4. LOL @ date ..... 16/02/14 !!! @thamlett @Haphaesteon Added. @niektb You can start creating repositories if you want. We should at this time focus on getting git in order
  5. @All Councilers Please specify your GitHub usernames so I can add you. Everyone that is currently in this Council is part of the core team by default. @niektb @Lion.Kanzen Except you two, I've already added you.
  6. My bad. I'm on my tablet and couldn't see the actual size. @thamlett Make the the signatures 500 X 200 and the date "16/02/14" with "Est" before it. Also make the date larger so its readable. Also put a description like niektb as said, (eg. Programmer, Designer, etc.)
  7. Very nice. Infact, I think we'll use these as our primary signatures /me changes it now
  8. @Mythos_Ruler You mean "German mercenary cavalry" The Romans employed and deployed German cavalry, for the Celts normally allied tribes of infantry under a Roman banner.
  9. @thamlett You can make a special one, no problem. its just for those that want to keep their current sigs, without increasing the space below. If we ever do use a dedicated site, I would opt for an .org site. I can also do most of the developing, designing, and administrative part for it too. But for now, let's first get established, and if we find this forum inadequate for our endeavours, where that be because of space, usability, featureless, or anything which we as a council feel to be hindering, then we can seek to host a site for our work. But as it stands I feel quite at home here on the forum, so I don't see a need to migrate. #Point 22 And like niektb pointed out, we can host a page on moddb etc in the early stages of our establishment which should be enough. Because the only time we would need these sites, or a dedicated site, is if we have downloadable content to offer (i.e. Mods), and we don't. We not even in developing phase set. But myself the rest of this council truly honours such an offer, and shall get back to you in due course about that one @Point 22 Which brings me to the next point of protocol. @All Councillors Despite my brash or otherwise bland statements. towards the infancy of this newly formed Council, I must confidently point out, that once we gain and sign up more members, development will proliferate smoothly. I think we all that are now in this Council should be part of its core committee, the integral backbone of the council, without which there is no council. So the importance of this committee are the members who are extremely dedicated and pronounce themselves ready. Their job as a committee will be to help and bind new modders taking part and the core will have a voice in the council relating to matters and decisions the council makes. So I wanted to clarify the importance of all of you. It's the realisation, of where we all work as a single machine, rather than one lone worker bee. If we all collaborate in a "hive" of common interest, and fusing them together as a concentrated beam of attention, we complete the hurdles infront of our path. Hurdles which are before us and impede our progress. Ask yourself, "I want this done to the game, according to what I envisioned, but if this is what I want... How can I make my life ""Easier"" in accomplishing, and enforcing, enliven it to become reality???" And the answer in this lays right here in this very council Where we all here to make it happen and strengthen the visions of that "pseudo-construct" and hack our visions and desires as bones, then we give it the breath of life, and it becomes animatored and alive. So we generally have these possibilities in our grasp, if we wish to choose to use it. @Anyone monitoring this council, whom are not members. Preparation phase usually takes a while. This is to ensure stability and solidarity. When Rome was built, foundations had to be layed first, and this takes a bit of time. The more time spent on a foundation, the stronger the stability of the outcome. Same applies with the construction of a society, cabinet or any organising body. A bit of order, dedication and the drive to go the extra mile is a forte. And directed down a guided trajectory it can have the capacity to produce something from nothing. Because the main game isn't even near completion, there cannot be an expectation towards this council to miraculously produce content. So I would like those outside of this council's realm to take that into consideration. The key, primary aim for this council is form on a solid foundation in which to become stable for a long term collaboration for 0 A.D. And who knows where the future will guide us in time to come... We might even decide ro become a studio. But for the interest in the minds of myself and the councillors we have to have a strong unity in which to participate in getting the snow ball rolling and let it grow in time. #In my current situation. Whilst I have expressed my heavy work load of life in general and work, so just to clarify that there will be times I am absent and unavailable or idling on the forums, but will remain dedicated to this council. Thank you
  10. That's fine, its just so it can fit under my current signature. Bottom right hand will do for the date. Also this date should be on all 0ADCoM signatures. For the domain name, this can be attended to later. That at this stage is a minor issue. Rofl
  11. Been busy lately, but I should be able to make time here and there for The Council and co ;)

  12. So you thinking about one repository? "Council"/ /0 A.D. Bronze Age /Millenium A.D. /Rome(official name still pending) Every mod project in the same repository? Each mod directory will still have different layouts. For me I think it doesn't matter, because at the end of the day we all have to learn the file system of each others projects. I wouldn't advise having a convoluted repo consisting of all the mods. That's a recipe for disaster. I still say they will have to have separate repos. What are other options that you have in mind? I'll create an example tomorrow to better present what I mean.
  13. Yes definitely. And yeah, is just waiting for all four tasks to be completed. Then task 5 will be a continuous phase of recruitment. Because bearing in mind, the more members we have, the effective and easier the work load becomes. I'm not worrying about speed, we have no reason to rush anything. Because people are not going to work 24/7 on something, having a huge queue of pending tasks when you can have members available for them. So in a way, its a smooth ride and helps promotion. So Lion, don't worry about the recruiting post at this stage. Let's just get 4 tasks completed @NiekTB We have two choices here. 1. We can transfer repositories to a CoM org. What this means is, we can add all the mod projects as repos to this single organisation. And add their project lead as collaborators. This is the compiling of the projects all under one governing council. We even fork repos if the project leads still wants their current repo under their org/user. 2. We can make repos from scratche with the mods names Like "Council"/0 A.D. Bronze Age "Council"/Millenium A.D. "Council"/Rome(official name still pending) Then the leaders of this mod are added as co-owners to the repositories and push/pull as usual. Then we will have another repo that is the main governing repo for assigning tasks to the sub-repos mentioned above. The sub-repos all fall under the governing repo. ___________ Elaboration __________ Governing Repository "Council"/CoM This repository we assign tasks to all the sub repositories (i.e. The mods) Sub Repositories Project Leaders then push/pull for their members to assign. "Council"/0 A.D. Bronze Age "Council"/Millenium A.D. "Council"/Rome(official name still pending) CoM Staff Structure ------------------------- @Managing Directors (Managing sector for overall governance and maintenance) ------------------------- @Project Leaders (owners of their mods) ------------------------- @General Members/Modders (staff and modders assigned to the mods) Note: That a flexibility in methodology of what I am adopting here, is that all modders can work on all mods and are not just tied to one mod. This structure aids benefit for all. As it stands, I have already created this, but tomorrow when I have time off, I will sort it out. So Niektb, would present a personal invite to NoMalestor and co to join the Council? The third option is one I like best and that is linking current existing organisations to the Council's one. @Lion.Kanzen Once the methodology of governance as been decided upon, we can create one for the bronze age mod. Gentlemen, this is all so that it promotes order, convenience, and a work environment based efficiency. The more orderly the setup, the smoother the tasks. For correspondence and troubleshooting we communicate here in a thread which is then linked as the main url for the Council.
  14. Yes just like that. Could you make it straight, rather that slanted? I can make it fit under my current signature, and other members might too. Also put the date. Est 16/02/14
  15. Gentlemen Once we have all four ( 4 ) tasks taken care of, we have another which Lion.Kanzen will help us greatly. Task 5 Recruitment Campaign We need to do some marketing and try and attract and recruit more modders for our cause. Before work can actually get underway, I'd prefer to have a pretty nice list of members. @Lion.Kanzen Logo; I meant, the plaque would be nice for now as a temporary signature, until you complete the table Task 5; Could you write a nice post like this? On mod DB and other sites. We need a nice ad. But this is the last task so far if you want it, but your skills in marketing will prove beneficial here We really need to get an animator... There's two mods that will benefit from an animator hugely. And someone that can assist in textures. - We'll devote a couple weeks of recruiting before proceedings, and in that time, the managing sector of this council should be finished with groundwork. @Niektb I would like you to join the managing side as well. I should have time off this week. I'd also prefer that the recruitment exercise is continuous until we reach a preferable amount of staff. As you know our numbers are low so naturally this is one of the concerns for the project lead. @thamlett You can save Lion some time if you take care of the signatures. But edit and make the grey background transparent, and engrave the text a bit more with a shade of lighter grey.
  16. I would actually say, instead of giving the Persians the ability to create other civs units, give every civ the option to levy troops in conquered territory. This will be more realistic and logical. But for this, we'll to wait for the capturing of buildings which all are planned features.
  17. Can you take the gray background out as a .png and engraved the text as though it were chiselled in marble?
  18. No one is below anyone. In this Council, any work submitted by any modder is appreciated. There's no heirachy.
  19. @Hephaestion I like the different helmets idea. Currently I think there's three Roman, Medieval, and Aristia,s bronze age greek? Helmet But these can be badges on the table ontop of the name. And, C.O.M. does it for me too. 0 A.D. Council of Modders ( 0.C.O.M. ) Anyone else that likes it?
  20. Lion has provided key notes here and information. That is exactly the logo I had in my head, well picked Hephaestion. But like Lion said, it does look like a sun. It would look more "tablish" if you coat it with a wooden varnish, and the chairs. I also like the white background. Also could we have a hexagon shape to have a see what that looks like? That has 6 sides. For the name, The Modders Round Table? (But this leaves out the council bit) @Lion.Kanzen Some information: This is a council of modders who are dedicated to 0 A.D. I do think its appropriate to have 0 A.D. In there. Alternatively we can have an acronym for a long name. Such as: The 0 A.D. Council of the Modders Round Table = 0 A.D. C.M.R.T. Or however this could end up being an association Because in actual fact this is what it is. So The 0 A.D. Modders Association ( T.0.M.A. ) Why I liked council is because it has that taste of history about it. Association is a very modern term, and I don't really like it.
  21. Cool name Bumbletrees For aggressive I can't really say they pursue, I've had my units do both at different intervals, so I can that needs to be investigated. I always use stand ground, because I hate a disorganized army running everywhere like kindergarten kids.
  22. To the Council Our primary objective list 1: Setting up office. I call on all Council members to decide on our place of communication. Should we use and IRC channel, or use a thread like this? We need a "premises" 2: Council Logo This is pending. Lion.Kanzen is taking care of the logo. 3: Skill Assessment All Council members should specify his or hers skills and fields of expertise. We need to know who's who and who can do what. 4: Signatures I really am in support of this and am backing this. I propose that all members be tagged with a signature that identifies you with along with your skills. This is really also pending, because as soon as Lion gets that logo done, he can quickly do signatures for us. What I'm doing, is as soon as I have time off, I will setting up a hub to combine our git organizations. And lay the foundation for ease of access for tasks etc. I have been very busy lately, so be patient.
  23. At this early stage in the Council's formation, we cannot state what the objectives are until we have assessed the skills of the members in question. Then we can start assigning tasks.The point of clarity is still pending, though usually the modders signed up here have the idea based on the understanding of modding, and that this council is not formulated for public audience, but rather modders and artists who are savvy with all that entails modding and wishes to sign up. What I would like this council to eventually become, is a backup strategy for the dev. And this council will be and is composed of individuals which have a passion for this game. And with that, we will take this game beyond the boundaries and add and add huge amounts of content to it that it will truly become a very satisfying RTS that people like us crave very much. I agree, and this part of what I was looking at here. Diversity and a system where the exchange of problem solving takes place. All modding projects turning one cog. Like I said to holith, this really delves into optimism, and right now, we haven't got clarity in our objectives until a skill analysis has taken place. Whether the dev recognizes this council or not, it isn't expected. And if any sort of importance and significance bestowed upon the Council by the main dev, it will mean that this Council is presenting attractive content and is contributing to the main game. For that to happen we will have to recruit a vast number of modders and designers to take part, but as it stands now, with our current members, Hephaestion niektb Lion.Kanzen Zophim thamlett And yourself I'm convinced we have a strong and highly skilled foundation to build upon and start performing. Thanks Lion For the Council's logo being a round table, can you give a nice varnished gloss? A dark varnish Also you have chairs around it too
  24. We will definitely require your expertise. @stansislas I think his first question was who makes decisions? Because this is a council, I'd like to see decisions being made all amicably as though we were at a roundtable. Suggestions, ideas, comments, etc, will all be debated on, and then if everyone comes to an agreement, we execute those presentations accordingly. @Lion.Kanzen If you want to design us a logo, I'm thinking a nice wooden round table with the 0 A.D. Logo on it. With circular text "The Modders Council of 0 A.D. ( TMC0AD)
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