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Game Setting - Are there any units ingame that look like they could also fit in another time period?


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Unfortunately the game is not working for me (I posted for help already) so I am not able to see what the units look like ingame up close - I have seen a few Youtube videos but none that show close ups of the soldiers.

Once I get the game I want to immediately try and do a simple mod (I am not particularly skilled with modding in general). I am hoping to make a more medival/castle like side for the game.

I have no doubt that there are not units ingame that look like Knights. That's a shame but I will just have to accept that I will not have Knights in my game - but are there other unit models that could be treated as a Longbowman or a Man At Arms?

Perhaps a better way of asking my questions might be to look at it another way - clearly a Roman legionary will look out of place in a Medieval English/French castle. So would a Greek Hoplite. 

Ultimately I want to make two mini sides - House Stark and House Bolton. Luckily I am not a hardcore fan of Game of Thrones so I don't mind if the soldiers don't look like authentic Stark/Bolton soldiers... because I don't really know what they are supposed to look like anyway. However, I do know that they are not supposed to look like Roman Legionaries or Greek Hoplites...

Any of the sides have anything that looks "castle-like"?

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1 hour ago, LordStark said:

I have no doubt that there are not units ingame that look like Knights. That's a shame but I will just have to accept that I will not have Knights in my game - but are there other unit models that could be treated as a Longbowman or a Man At Arms?

While it is true that there are not many units looking like knights in the main game, there is actually a mod covering 500 A.D. - 1000 A.D. that might be of some interest to you. The mod is called Millenniumad Millennium A.D. mod - Mod DB The latest development version can be found at https://github.com/0ADMods/millenniumad


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