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Just finished my second java homework assignment. Wahooo! Tell me what you think!?

Note: it assumes some user intellegence on input

import java.io.*; //calling all classes in the java.io file in the java directory
import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class Video

public static void main (String [] arguements) throws IOException

* Name:   Jason Bishop
* Program:   Video
* Description: Simulation of a video store cash register
* References:  None

 BufferedReader kb = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in)); //calling up classes from the java.io file we imported

 DecimalFormat money = new DecimalFormat("'$'#.00"); //setting a money format, note I figured out how to autimatically include the dollar sign

/*******************************INPUT SESSION********************************/

 final String Pad1 = "                          "; // setting a pad of 26 spaces
 final String Pad2 = "                "; //setting a pad of 16 spaces

  System.out.print("Please enter your name: "); // asking for name input

 String name = kb.readLine();

  System.out.println("Now enter your rental information for video rental #1");
  System.out.print("Title: "); //asking for title input

 String title1 = (kb.readLine() + Pad1).substring(0,26); //decided to pad this up here, instead of waiting to do it below

  System.out.print("Type (n = New, o = Old, c = Classic): ");

 String type1 = kb.readLine();
 type1.toLowerCase(); //setting to lowercase to minimize input errors

  System.out.print("Days rented? ");

 String rent1 = kb.readLine();

 // This is a copy of the form for video rental #1 above (except I changed all 1's to 2's)

  System.out.println("Now Enter your rental information for video rental #2");
  System.out.print("Title: ");

 String title2 = (kb.readLine() + Pad1).substring(0,26);

  System.out.print("Type (n = New, o = Old, c = Classic): ");

 String type2 = kb.readLine();

  System.out.print("Days rented? ");

 String rent2 = kb.readLine();


/*************************USER INPUT INTERPRITATION**************************/

 int rent1int = Integer.parseInt(rent1); //changing a string entry to an interger for calcuations
 int rent2int = Integer.parseInt(rent2);

 double cost1 = 0.0; //setting a place holder for a movie cost value
 String type1full = "error"; //setting a place holder for the string output of the movie type

  if (type1.equalsIgnoreCase("c")) {cost1 = .598; type1full = "Classic";}
  else if(type1.equalsIgnoreCase("o")) {cost1 = .998; type1full = "Old";}
  else if(type1.equalsIgnoreCase("n")) {cost1 = 2.495; type1full = "New";}

 //next few lines are a repeat from above

 double cost2 = 0.0;
 String type2full = "error";

  if (type2.equalsIgnoreCase("c")) {cost2 = .598; type2full = "Classic";}
  else if(type2.equalsIgnoreCase("o")) {cost2 = .998; type2full = "Old";}
  else if(type2.equalsIgnoreCase("n")) {cost2 = 2.495; type2full = "New";}

 double rentcost1 = cost1 * rent1int; //multiplying daily cost by days rented
 double rentcost2 = cost2 * rent2int;

 if (rentcost1 > 99.00) rentcost1 = 99.00; //caps the cost per video at 99.00 max
 if (rentcost2 > 99.00) rentcost2 = 99.00;

 double tax = (rentcost1 + rentcost2) * .081; //calculating the tax cost

 double total = rentcost1 + rentcost2 + tax; //adding the tax cost to the video cost

 String cost1output = money.format(rentcost1); //applying the money format to the doubles and creating new string variables
 String cost2output = money.format(rentcost2);
 String taxoutput = money.format(tax);
 String totaloutput = money.format(total);

/******************************OUTPUT SESSION********************************/

  System.out.println("Your Recipt:");
  System.out.println("STUDENT NAME: " + name);

 String cell_a1 = ("VIDEO NAME" + Pad1).substring(0,26); //padding the 'cell' to the right
 String cell_a2 = ("TYPE" + Pad2).substring(0,16);
 String cell_a3 = ("DAYS RENTED" + Pad2).substring(0,16);
 String cell_a4 = ("COST OF VIDEO" + Pad2).substring(0,16);
 String cell_b2 = (type1full + Pad2).substring(0,16);
 String cell_b3 = (Pad2 + rent1).substring(rent1.length(),16 + rent1.length()); //padding the cell to the left (note: I found it easier to take the length of the string as the minimum and the length of the string plus the pad as the maximum)
 String cell_b4 = (Pad2 + cost1output).substring(cost1output.length(),16 + cost1output.length());
 String cell_c2 = (type2full + Pad2).substring(0,16);
 String cell_c3 = (Pad2 + rent2).substring(rent2.length(),16 + rent2.length());
 String cell_c4 = (Pad2 + cost2output).substring(cost2output.length(),16 + cost2output.length());
 String cell_d3 = ("TAX:" + Pad2).substring(0,16);
 String cell_d4 = (Pad2 + taxoutput).substring(taxoutput.length(),16 + taxoutput.length());
 String cell_e3 = ("TOTAL DUE:" + Pad2).substring(0,16);
 String cell_e4 = (Pad2 + totaloutput).substring(totaloutput.length(),16 + totaloutput.length());

  System.out.println("@" + "--------------------------" + "-" + "----------------" + "-" + "----------------" + "-" + "----------------" + "@");
  System.out.println("|" + cell_a1 + "|" + cell_a2 + "|" + cell_a3 + "|" + cell_a4 + "|");
  System.out.println("|" + "--------------------------" + "|" + "----------------" + "|" + "----------------" + "|" + "----------------" + "|");
  System.out.println("|" + title1 + "|" + cell_b2 + "|" + cell_b3 + "|" + cell_b4 + "|");
  System.out.println("|" + "--------------------------" + "|" + "----------------" + "|" + "----------------" + "|" + "----------------" + "|");
  System.out.println("|" + title2 + "|" + cell_c2 + "|" + cell_c3 + "|" + cell_c4 + "|");
  System.out.println("|" + "--------------------------" + "-" + "----------------" + "|" + "----------------" + "|" + "----------------" + "|");
  System.out.println("|" + Pad1 + " " + Pad2 + "|" + cell_d3 + "|" + cell_d4 + "|");
  System.out.println("|" + Pad1 + " " + Pad2 + "|" + "----------------" + "|" + "----------------" + "|");
  System.out.println("|" + Pad1 + " " + Pad2 + "|" + cell_e3 + "|" + cell_e4 + "|");
  System.out.println("@" + "--------------------------" + "-" + "----------------" + "-" + "----------------" + "-" + "----------------" + "@");
}//end of main
}//end of Video Class

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