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2 features that IMO can make new players stay for hundreds of hours


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1. Civ Differentiation

Competetive players love learning civs and learning op stratagems. They dont want all civs to be the same. They want to be able to discover their own unique ways to play and obliterate the enemy as well as further train the civilization of their choice.

2. Rankeds

I mean rankeds with more depth than currently. So:

- match maker

- something else than just a small number with ranking next to the name. Eg badges, bronze silver gold whatever.

- and most importantly get rid of the issue that almost half of new players will decide to leave the ranked the moment theyre losing (or even plug off their internet cable Lmao) just to pretend that they have internet problems and not lose ranking points. It forces the other dude to either not care and stop playing rankeds, or to report to forum. Very terrible user experience. Disconnect should equal lose of poitns for the one who lost, and gain of points for the one who won. It may have some minuses but anything is better than asking the player to report the leaver on forum. LOL

All games with repetetive matches be it rocket league, league of legends, and even AOE3 have very similar ranking systems and it helps them a lot. In fact, most players in these games stay only and only for rankeds, they dont care about the rest of the game after tens or hundreds of hours, just about getting high rank and thats understandable

So these are my suggestions

Edited by thankforpieOfficial
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2 hours ago, thankforpieOfficial said:

Civ Differentiation

Competetive players love learning civs and learning op stratagems. They dont want all civs to be the same. They want to be able to discover their own unique ways to play and obliterate the enemy as well as further train the civilization of their choice.

Today I remembered why I didn't play with the Athenians a lot.


The Roman champions gave me a beating from which, I even had back pain literally.


Above, I did not know that artificial intelligence now easily landed in rivers.


He could no longer reverse the situation even though he had not lost all of the territory.


I don't test multiplayer because I'm using the svn version.

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2 minutes ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

Today I remembered why I didn't play with the Athenians a lot.


The Roman champions gave me a beating from which, I even had back pain literally.


Above, I did not know that artificial intelligence now easily landed in rivers.


He could no longer reverse the situation even though he had not lost all of the territory.


I don't test multiplayer because I'm using the svn version.

what do you mean

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