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cache path changeable on config.cfg for mobile devices e.c Tablettdevice without enoth memory


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Hey guys,
Would it be possible that can set the cache path via the config.cfg z.B for tablet devices which do not have enough internal memory, which can change the cache path to the application folder etc.

In the config.cfg z.B
Defaultpath = true or false

If true then
Cachepfad = "D:\ps\binaries\0ad\cache"
If false then the appdata folder as before.

Would be super if that would be feasible, I have the momentarily in the Paths.cpp current hardcoded cachepath on this folder: ps\binaries\0ad\cache on my tablett device, works fine and fast.


81// %localappdata%/0ad/
82 const OsPath localAppdata = Root() / subdirectoryName / ""; /*wutil_LocalAppdataPath() changed to Root() of Application for support on tablet_PC*/

Greeting Jai

Edited by Jaison
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  • 3 weeks later...

(Thanks for the bump.)

As it seems that you are using an SVN checkout you could just pass -writeableRoot to the executable, and have all data in the same place as the game itself. If you'd be using a *NIX system that adheres to the FreeDesktop Base Directory Specification you could set XDG_CACHE_HOME to your prefered path (and even do that just for pyrogenesis/0ad by using an alias or a shell script that does that for the launched command). On all systems you can just create a symlink that replaces the default directory to wherever you want. On Windows this can be done by the mklink command (and I assume you'd want to use an NTFS junction point as you want a different volume) as far as I can tell from the available documentation.

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