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Formation Ideas


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Okay, before we start this, i'm sorry for bad english in this thread

Let's start

Well, we all know that 0ad currently didn't support formation. So i'll share some of my ideas, whether it will be good or not...

1. Bind some unit, make "group"

The point is, when you choose a group of units, then make them a "group" by using a single button/command, then that will be 'group 1' 'group 2' etc, etrc.... So later, when you click one of the units, you automatically choose the entire group, and that group will ALWAYS do something together, moving, attacking or whatever. Then when you don't need them to be a group, simply click ungroup button/command.

As you know, IRL when a commander command his army, he refer them to squad 1 and squad 2, not troop 1, 2, and 3 go there, and troop 142 till troop 232 there. Not only that, this will make moving the army a LOT easier.

2. For a number of units in group, add defense and attack bonus, IN CURVE. But let hitpoint add correspondendly

This idea is the key, yet still abstract. well, i'm confused :fool:

There should be a bonus when forming a group, otherwise why make a group? And those bonus affected by formation, like phalanx? idk.

Remember, the curve is... like this?

y = bonus

x = number of the units

y = x + 1/x2

*cough*Didn't have any image hosting*cough*

Well, i'm not sure. :unknw:

Example :

So, a group consist of 4 units have addition 40% defense and attack, while a group consist of 8 units have addition 60% defense and attack.

See the difference? know what i mean. Man, how to tell it, easier to draw instead... "CURVE" man!


This to make players form some group and not just make one big group and steamroll everything, instead they will make some small group and manuveur with them, ha!

While for hitpoints

Hitpoints = Hitpoint of one unit x Number of unit

Yeah, just like that


This idea just a concept. i, myself, still not sure about this. But just as i say, this the key.

3. For a number of units die, the bonus also decreased

Just like the title, but, you can use % of hitpoint instead. Well, up to you.

Addition :

4. Banner Army

Special units that will give boost to the group

5. Moral system

A group have new bar called moral. When i'ts low or depleted, a group maybe disbanded automatically, maybe add some debuff? This will add strategic feel in war.

6. Terrain Affect

Meh, just like title. Maybe some formation can't used or can't pass some terrain, this will add strategic feel in war.

Well, that's all. I'm sorry if i have any mistakes. This just an idea, you can use it, develop it, change it, or... dump it?

Whatever, thanks for reading :yes3:

Edited by Bejo_Barokah
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Morals and stuff like that do not belong in an RTS game.

There have been ideas around to create a "real" battalion system, units are trained in packs instead of training single units. Much easier, more streamlined, less variables included. "Battalions" with 3 or 4 units don't make sense anyways.

discussion link: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20102



Edited by DarcReaver
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