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Introduction & a few Questions

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Hello to everyone. I discovered this game recently and it looks amazing. Now I would like to ask a few questions about resources and game aesthetics.

1.I've read somewhere on this forum that certain resources regenerate on their own, but would like a confirmation of this. I noticed that fish does regenerate but grapes and fruit do not (perhaps I wasn't paying attention long enough to see that).

2.Will it be possible possible (in some of the future versions) to cultivate certain resorces such as olives and grapes (these resources were the most important for the greek and punic economy and as well as the roman)?

3.Will it be possible to add some decorative elements (statues, plants) to our cities? I would like to be able to plant trees along roads. In the gallic fields scenario that I played recently the AI cut down the trees along the roads and the land around the civic centres looked naked and unappealing. Decorative elements could cost in wood, stone or metal.

And now a minor suggestion regarding the seleucids(I know they are not meant to be playable yet). In the Seleucid sandbox scenario the women are called "syrias gyne". I would suggest droping the word "syrias". The seleucids were not a minority that ruled over one large culturally uniform majority,like the ptolemies did, but a minority that ruled over many different peoples not just syrians (who did not amount to more than a third of the seleucid population until the seleucid empire was reduced to a rump state). Naming the women just "gyne" would be more appropriate in my humble opinion.

I apologize for any language errors. English is not my first language.

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Regenerating resoureces aren't included because they interrupted gameplay a bit. They caused too much micro, and either made those resources too beneficial, or the regeneration had to be so slow it didn't have any affect at all. Also fish aren't regenerating AFAIK.

The cultivating of any food source is represented by the farm field. It's planned that different factions will have different looks for their farm field, but the general purpose should be the same for all factions. We're still experimenting a bit with the looks of the farm fields.

Also, this isn't a city-builder game. It's nice if a game looks good, but it isn't a must that after a battle, the map still looks nice. Decorative elements will make the game UI more complicated, and serve no purpose in the gameplay (at least not for this type of game). But it will always be possible to mod the game, and make a city-builder mod. Were economy is far more important than fighting.

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And now a minor suggestion regarding the seleucids(I know they are not meant to be playable yet). In the Seleucid sandbox scenario the women are called "syrias gyne". I would suggest droping the word "syrias". The seleucids were not a minority that ruled over one large culturally uniform majority,like the ptolemies did, but a minority that ruled over many different peoples not just syrians (who did not amount to more than a third of the seleucid population until the seleucid empire was reduced to a rump state). Naming the women just "gyne" would be more appropriate in my humble opinion.

I apologize for any language errors. English is not my first language.

We tend to try to give tribal or national identities to most units when we can, to add flavor. For instance, the Persian female citizen translates to "Mesopotamian Woman." Obviously the Persian Empire held more area than just Mesopotamia, but they also recruited skirmisher cavalry from more than just Media, but we still call them Median Cavalry.

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