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Persian progress


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*w00t* I've play tested the Persians. Setting SelectableInGameSetup to true in binaries/data/mods/public/civs/pers.json allows to use them on a random map.


Several units lack an icon.

The chariot unit display as a normal man.

There are no siege engines for Persia yet.

But its possible to play Persia, look at progress, and *w00t* at the new buildings and units.


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  On 30/09/2011 at 1:00 AM, Pedro Falcão said:

A cannon so soon? If i'm not mistaken, cannons were only invented at the end of the medieval age, with the fall of Constantinople by the Otomans (who built the biggest cannon ever, thus far) marking the actual end of it.

Don't worry, we know, I only posted it to distract from the first screenshot ;)

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  On 30/09/2011 at 12:24 PM, Pedro Falcão said:

Besides the cannon, i liked the design of the tower... The persian buildings make me remember both babylonians from the first AoE and the Saracens from AoK, i liked it!

Indeed, the cannons were added as a joke. The tower itself is an initial mockup I made for the Persians, the style has since progressed :)

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  On 30/09/2011 at 1:00 AM, Pedro Falcão said:

A cannon so soon? If i'm not mistaken, cannons were only invented at the end of the medieval age, with the fall of Constantinople by the Otomans (who built the biggest cannon ever, thus far) marking the actual end of it.

The Ottomans weren't the first to use cannons, they are just famous for using perhaps the largest bombard, a type of cannon, in history during the Fall of Constantinople in 1453.

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  On 08/10/2011 at 2:47 PM, hhyloc said:

:blink: Can you tell me why?

First (I think around 2007) they were going to be Cavalry Swordsmen, but that was discarded for historical inaccuracy. (Ancient Arabian Camelry didn't really fight in close combat) Then they were spec'd as Cav. Javelinists (the current textures of the Persian CavJav are representing Miditanite costumes), but then they got replaced by Median Cavalry, which was way more common in the Persian army. I can't think of a place for them in the unit roster now, so I assume they got scrapped.

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